Thursday, April 27, 2006

FUCK YOU, alan!

there's this dude alan,

he sells chemicals. today he was in inquiring about the success or lack thereof of his company's new environmentally degreaser. the other stuff-the environmentally unfriendly stuff-is hella nasty. i won't go near that shit.

so alan comes in and he's in before and he's obsessed with my boss' personal life and with telling me OVER AND OVER AGAIN how inappropriate and unattractive my tattoo is. today he was EXTRA grossed out by it because it's kinda oozy...what? it's new! FUCK! he's such a dick i can't even explain.

i appreciate anyone's right NOT to like it, that's fine. i don't like that fact that you choose (and it's all about PERSONAL CHOICE) to drive a GIGANTIC suv and kill babies with all the pollutants you're spewing into the air. it's ok alan, i didn't want kids anyways. sterilization is a-ok by me.

alan, i am not going to hell because i have tattoos. i'm still a nice person and you telling my dad on me isn't going to do anything. nor is telling me how gross you think they are. seriously, what am i suppose to say?

"you're right alan, i'll get straight to work on getting them removed. god, what would i do without you?! don't tell your wife but i LOVE you!"


it's not ok to treat me like that because i look different than you think 'the boss' daughter' is suppose to look like. god!

ok, i know this, in the grand scheme of things, isn't a big deal but he comes in once a week and we have the same goddamn conversation about it. he tells me how gross it is and i laugh to prevent myself from punching him.



Wednesday, April 26, 2006

the tattoo saga pt. 14

i'm composing a super-post about nyc but it's gonna take a while so i thought i'd post some new tattoo pics in the mean time. also, i think this is my 300th post so yay for that!

here's the pics:

this last one is of the megabruise that resulted from the fact that johnny presses really hard and my skin on the flabby part of my arm is really sensitive...

i'm back in on may 8th for more yummies! yay!

xo michelle

p.s. the artwork belongs to johnny faulds at urge2 studios in edmonton. the photos are mine. don't steal!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


also known as blog revenge!

i'm annoyed. i wanted to brag about my awesome weekend in new york and about how i didn't get too lost on the subway or about how awesome the new parts of my tattoo are but i can't do that right now.

i'm too pissed off. and it's not revenge persay i just want to call attention to something i find annoying.


it's cool if you don't have a blogger id but leave your goddamn name when you're going to make snide comments.

a friend of mine posted something that annoyed her (as she had every right to do) and some unknown person decided to get up on their high horse and preach to her.

the thing is, i respect your right to have an opinion on everything, i know i do, but i just think it's childish and immature to hide behind anonymity. if you're 'tough' enough to say it for people to read then be 'tough' enough to fucking put your name behind it.

i hate that because of the internerd we feel as if we're exempt from the personal responsibility of treating someone poorly. you aren't. there is still a person behind that. fuck!

and on that note, if someone out there has a problem with me and something i say and do either on here or in real life tell me. often times i don't realise that i've hurt you and i don't mean to. just tell me. we can work it out. i'm still growing as a person and i totally hate that i say stupid shit all the time. keep me posted, friends.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

the tale of the half-hard man***

before i start a caveat*: i dress like a fucking bum for work every day. there's no such thing as business casual here, despite my office-bitchness. today, for example, i have NOT showered (i did last night), i'm wearing a baggy cursive hoodie, 3/4 length pants, black vans, no socks and i'm listening to black flag right now.

so, i work in a fashion-relaxed environment and i enjoy it BUT i do not enjoy the fact that other people in the automotive industry seem to enjoy their fashion-relaxed work environments a little too much. take pat**, for example, pat's a good guy generally speaking; he's in here a lot and spends a lot of money. spending money makes the higher-ups happy so they don't care that he comes in wearing sweat pants and is...


it is so fucking gross. i HATE that i can see the head of this decidedly unattractive man's penis all the time. wear underwear and jerk off before you leave the house or something...

gross! gross! gross!

thus concludes today's saga of the half-hard man but i know he'll be back and i am NOT excited about it...

xo michelle.

*i know someone who uses that word all the time and i love it and never use it so i'm stealing it for this post...
** his name has NOT been changed to protect his anonymity.
*** yes, i realise in the photo the man is not hard and then fully hard but you get the idea. "half erect penis" search might not have gotten me anything...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


i don't hate radio.

i blame radio for my good taste in music. well, i specifically blame cjsr because those motherfuckers play some damn good music.

BUT my radio at work is old and doesn't pick up cjsr very well. this wasn't a problem before because i used to be able to stream it live from indecline but indecline is gone and so i am relegated to listening to sonic. and frankly, sonic sucks ass.

when they first started about a year ago i was pleased to hear a 'rock' station that didn't play theory of a nickle dead fault and provided a little break from the afternoons of post-rock on cjsr.

sonic may not play any of that horribly shitty cancon rock but really it's no better than the bear. boring music is boring music. i am fucking sick of hearing my obnoxious emo-tastic chemical romancen and rage against the machine over and fucking over again.

yes, they play nirvana and the smashing pumpkins and all that old stuff that makes me all nostalgic but it's mixed in with metric and other such shit...

and don't even fucking get me started on metric!

so i'm sitting here listening to sonic, checking out their website, too lazy to go get a cd from my car and wondering what the fuck is up with this shit.

right now they have this contest thing where listeners can co-host for an hour and in order to do this all you have to do is send the dude who runs the show an email telling him what 20 songs you'd play and then if he likes you maybe you get to go there and play them. so then i wonder, 'should i do this?'...i have good taste in rock music and i'd have fun on the radio. so then i get to thinking, 'what 20 songs would i play?'

i don't know...a little bit from the gossip, maybe something from social distortion, who knows...
the point is i'm pretty sure i'd never get on; i doubt an email stating the following would win me any friends at sonic:

dear adam thompson.

you want me to be your co-host for an hour if for no other reason than to allow the public to hear an hour of good music among 23 other wasted hours. i'm sure the majority of your listeners like bands beside gob and rage against the machine. TURN DOWN THE MOTHERFUCKING SUCK, sonic!

here are my 20 songs...

5 classic punk songs
5 local cool as fuck songs
5 songs from the mid 90s that are waaay too cool for sonic to play
5 songs NOT by the yeah yeah yeahs, the strokes, the white stripes, or any other 'contemporary' rock band...

xo xo michelle kennedy

think that'll get me on the radio.

fuck it! i am going home to tonight and i am going to compile the hottest list of rock songs i own.

god, i'm annoyed and i am sure this post is making me sound like a pretentious bitch who thinks she knows more about what is and isn't listenable then 'professional' radio people but i DO. listening to panic! at the disco and fall out boy interspersed with random alternative classics is not good's annoying.


ok...i gotta stop because i could on forever about why listening all day to my chemical romance is going to make me want to kill myself.

and i know there's other music listening devices and usually i'll just put pandora on, type in something i like and chill the fuck out but as you're all aware i'm a bit of a masochist and i like to see just how far they are willing go to annoy me.

xo michelle.

Monday, April 10, 2006

psst...the cops.

this was a 'draft' from march 29. hmmm...

appropos of nothing, i was just sitting outside on my steps enjoying my evening to myself, smoking a joint and watching the stars pass me by. two seconds, not a word of a lie after i go back inside two police officers come strolling down the street. ha! what would have happened if i'd have still be there? curious? a ticket? nothing? what?! now i'm curious.

what i really wanted to blog about: (before my little almost-run-in with the polizei) i was driving home from a movie when i noticed a sign it said:


and it got me thinking about my comp lit class today and our 'age'...we're living in the what, post-modern? post-post-modern. let's call it the post-post modern for arguments sake since i think the post-modern age ended in the 80s. either way, for a large chunk of time post-modernism was the 'it' theory. what's new and hot in critical discourse? POST-MODERNISM, baby...absolute relativism* all the way! now, i know that not ALL post-modernists subscribe to the notion that every single thing, including the computer screen in front of you, is relative. it's all social construction; but some did and if these some were onto something and absolute relativism is the truth then does morality go out the window? in a world where everything around us is a social construction, even our personal relationships, are we ultimately morally bankrupt. theoretically we can do anything or be whomever we choose...what's the control? and i don't mean moral in the religious sense, i just mean moral in the way that we are generally striving to be nice to our fellow human. are we? bankrupt?

and second, in this age where our sort of collective existential crisis has made us all utterly narcissitic, where has the ability to make fun of ourselves gone? i recently read 'the sokol hoax' and the responses to it. essentially, those who were the victims of the hoax makes claims and excuses to essentially deny the personal hurt they felt when there precious intellectually elistist exclusionary methods were satirized. ACK! who else, if not intellectuals based in cultural studies, are hilarious?! people are hilarious...and this is where i lose draft. edit later.

huh...i wonder why i never edited later? i did however figure out why intellectual discourse is a a bad idea when you're stoned. check out the how spectacularly my ability to fuction completely disintegrates...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

fucking new york city!

"well, my flight arrives at 4:40 so by the time i get through customs and all that shit i should be on manhatten by 6:30 or so..."

i LOVE that i got to say that sentance. i LOVE that i get to get on an airplane and a few layovers and hours later i will land in a whole new world. a world full of new yorkers.

and amidst it all is the familiarity of a friend.

i am so excited. there is something so amazing about new york. the energy is totally frightening and rejunvenating at the same time.

here i come new york! look cuz i am fucking coming and i am going to get as much out of your little island in 3 days as is humanly possible!

xo michelle.

Friday, April 07, 2006

drug summer

or at least it feels like it is!

i sat outside on my steps this afternoon watching the world go by and decided that this summer is going to be fun and i am going to try new things.

here's a list:

-i'm going to go to a rave. seriously, i have never been to one.
-going along with the rave i am going to try e. yep, i'm serious. i've never done it before.

okay mostly i want to try a bunch of drugs i've never done before. ha ha.
and lots of patio time! so who's up for michelle's drug adventures and patio time?

xo xo michelle.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

scrunchy face

fuck this stupid crush shit. i'm done.

or sorta done. more discerning and skeptical at least. let this be the end of michelle 'the crush slut' kennedy.

