Thursday, July 28, 2005

"trembling before g-d"

Trembling Before G-d is an unprecedented feature documentary that shatters assumptions about faith, sexuality, and religious fundamentalism. Built around intimately-told personal stories of Hasidic and Orthodox Jews who are gay or lesbian, the film portrays a group of people who face a profound dilemma - how to reconcile their passionate love of Judaism and the Divine with the drastic Biblical prohibitions that forbid homosexuality. As the film unfolds, we meet a range of complex individuals - some hidden, some out - from the world's first openly gay Orthodox rabbi to closeted, married Hasidic gays and lesbians to those abandoned by religious families to Orthodox lesbian high-school sweethearts.

Many have been tragically rejected and their pain is raw, yet with irony, humor, and resilience, they love, care, struggle, and debate with a thousands-year old tradition. Ultimately, they are forced to question how they can pursue truth and faith in their lives. Vividly shot with a courageous few over five years in Brooklyn, Jerusalem, Los Angeles, London, Miami, and San Francisco, Trembling Before G-d is an international project with global implications that strikes at the meaning of religious identity and tradition in a modern world. For the first time, this issue has become a live, public debate in Orthodox circles, and the film is both witness and catalyst to this historic moment. What emerges is a loving and fearless testament to faith and survival and the universal struggle to belong.

from trembling before g-d

this movie...holy fucking shit!

i was bapitized and raised catholic. went to catholic schools for my entire grade school education and at some point along that path realised it was all a lot of horse-shit. to me it was all a lot of horse shit. i have little respect for organized religion and even my belief in god waivers somewhere between non-existence and a faint wondering. i am not a religious person. my religious life consists of making jokes about religion and crassly calling people fundamentalists and going to see live music. if god exists anywhere it's there...but, that's a whole other thing...

the point of all of this is that my eyes were opened by this movie. it's not that i am somehow suddenly religious or clear about my beliefs but i feel as if i have been given a new perspective on organized religion and have a new found respect...or am on the verge of respect.

admitedly this film doesn't deal with christianity at all (which it shouldn't because it's about orthodox judaism) and it is with christianity that i have the majority of my issues. i have always had a lot of respect for judaism as both a faith and a cultural organization and i really think they have the right idea...that you can be a part of the secular life without the religious should you so desire.

or, maybe that isn't how it works? maybe i'm an idiot. i'm sure i'm an idiot but this movie is incredible. i think it speaks fairly from both sides of the argument and i cannot imagine how difficult it must have been for the people who came forward to discuss their sexuality within orthodoxy.

if this movie did nothing for me it reaffirmed my faith in people's faith and in what faith can do for people. religion was never a cop-out in this movie, to anyone, the way it so often appears to be with christianity.

anyhow, i am babbling but i want people to see this movie because it rocks!

xo m.


i still haven't quiet been able to properly articulate my feelings about this show yet. i've been working on it, trying to figure out how it truly affected my life. i mean it was life changing and stunning but i think it was more than that.

all i could come up with is this:

tortoise w. westfalia
july 24, 2005
starlite room, edmonton alberta

*note: what follows could be deemed as incredibly pretentious...if you view it as that, fuck you! seriously.

tortoise's performance has completely reconfigured my brain and my personal view on not only the place and importance of art but how it should be made. this show will now be the measuring post by which i judge all instances of artistic communication including my own work.

i am not sure how it will manifest itself in my work but every show i am involved in from this point will somehow draw on the influence of that show.

i wish i had more to say about how it will manifest or something but i just don't have the words. yes, it moved me to tears, i felt every note in every pore of my body...all of that. it was a completely visceral experience. life altering.

michelle's mind has been officially blown!


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

protest song

so i am on my way to work this morning and i have to drive past the telus offices on 111avenue. so, i am driving along listening to rilo kiley and singing along at the top of my pop music loving voice when i see all these telus employees on strike.

now, i'm all for unions and for job action and all that jazz but those telus kids just make me laugh...there's this dude, all decked out in NICE clothes ready to spend the day sitting in a posh lawn chair along the side of the road when suddenly (and i'm parked at the lights so i see all this) he stands up and goes over to this pile of bags beside the row of chairs and whips out an acoustic guitar...AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR!

i laughed, thought of that one episode of the simpsons where lisa has braces and sings a protest song, and went on my way...

i get it, and i support it, but somehow the combination of telus, a boy with an acoustic guitar and designer army pants and 111ave just somehow don't jive with me...



Monday, July 25, 2005

blargh! pt. 2

as if the headache weren't bad enough i just dropped a 400lb industrial drum and then braced it with my little calf bone...

read: it scraped and bruised me and then i cried.



i'm hot and tired.

i should not have worn a skirt to work today...lugging these pails around is not good for my legs...they scratch.

also, i was at the bank earlier today and i bent over to pick up my sunglasses (they're broken so they fall off a lot) and as i stood up i cracked my head really hard on the counter. all the girls in the bank we're like, 'OMIGOD, are you ok?' and i said, 'no' and they didn't know what to say so they rushed through my deposit just so they could get me out of there.

at least greyhound parcel appreciates my business.

i want to say something about the tortoise show last night but i don't have the words mind is b-lown! i will try tomorrow...

also, leaving juneau and fractal pattern were fantastic on friday. i got a little smashed and tried hard not to act like a drunken fool...and i was doing well until i spilled my beer all over the table in one spectacular hand wave...i recovered and don't think i did anything else embarassing...

anyhow, go look at jeff's blog, find the link to his mp3's (i'll put a link up sometime soon too) and then rock out. he won't disappoint!

more on tortoise tomorrow...

xo m.

p.s. my head still fucking hurts!

Friday, July 22, 2005

too much of a good thing?

when do you reach that point where you have to back off and wait for that good thing to come to you? if you've had it once and it was good and you want it again it's not silly to ask for it again is it? the menu never said this is a one time offer...

...but what if it was? what if you had this great thing and you want it again but you can't have it but you didn't know you couldn't have it. would you have stretched out the experience? savoured it more.

now you're stuck wondering: was it me? did the restuarant close and i wasn't made aware? was i too quick, should i have taken more time perusing the options?

oh maybe you've become overzealous worrying about appearing overzealous. maybe you just need to learn to let things play out. the restuarant isn't closed, you just don't need to eat there everyday.

still, i wish it was falafel friday every day...


p.s. two sleeps til tortoise! have a GREAT weekend!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

is the glory in the victory...

...or in the battle?

i don't believe in war so who cares but then i was thinking...this is a fucking war isn't it? this life, making friends, finding lovers, being accepted, loved, whatever right? it's a war.

ok, ok, now i know i am sounding all melodramatic and i am melodramatic so with it.

a friend of mine and i were discussing this whole 'scene' thing. see, edmonton has a pretty fucking kick ass music's big and there are tonnes of really amazingly talented bands out there. with all that comes a LOT of hipster kids who, for the most part, are always really nice.

it's the girls that drive me to fits of awkward shyness...girls are terrible and judge each other like crazy...i do it too, we all do. shit, i'd be lying through my teeth if i said i didn't.

so in discussion with matt i started thinking, 'yeah, i should head down to victory lounge for cheap drinks tonight...hipster judging girls be damned' and then i reconsidered. i love going out dancing, going to shows and hanging out with friends and i have been lucky to have met some really fucking cool people in the past little while (matt included) but i don't think i am ready for victory lounge on a night without a band...i just don't know if i can do it.

it's funny because i was there a few weeks ago to see a show and i was with clarice and matt and matt's roommate and this chick came up who they all knew so her and i were introduced and she was cold...cold for the whole night...even later she came and sat back down and i smiled at her and she ignored's not the boys kids, it's the girls.

but then this brings up an interesting thing for me because as much as i feel like this awkward outsider with sort of cool shoes to go along with my inexpensive (and therefore tragically uncool) jeans, i also sort of revel in it. i like that people recognize me but don't know me. that they look at me talking to these boys that they know and wonder about me. i like that they wonder...but i don't.

i'm rambling but i probably won't be going dancing. my cool shoes give me blisters and i forgot to bring band-aids when i moved.


rock star.

so i felt bad just now because only moments before this sort of slightly dapper gentlemen came into my work i cut my finger and was bleeding...i was putting pressure on the wound and had difficulty shaking hands with him. i wanted to shake hands better because he was dapper and looked good in a dress shirt. too bad it was awkward.

ok, so that isn't what i really wanted to talk about, i wanted to talk about how fucking pumped slash nervous slash petrified i am about this coming weekend.

this weekend the uber-fantastic jeff is going into the studio to record a full length album and i am going to go into the studio too and record some backup vocals on the gorgeous song "new". EEPS! i am so scared...what if i fuck up? thank god jeff's so nice otherwise i'd puke... sooo nervous!

but it's cool though because i have a) never been to a recording studio and b) have always wanted to be part of the record making process in some capacity. and yeah, i'll admit that i have rockstar dreams...what girl who's loved music the way i have for so long doesn't? when i was 14 i wanted to be courtney love!

but it's simpler than that really...i only have three simple rockstar dreams
1) i want to be thanked in liner notes
2) i want to walk into a venue and say either, 'i'm on the list' or 'i'm with the band'
3) i want to go on tour with a band and be the merchbitch! how fun would that be?

but anyhow, i am psyched to give this shit a shot. i've been working on the singing like crazy and i hope it will be good. maybe i should just drink tea and go on vocal rest...or, maybe i'll just get drunk and have sex this weekend and that'll serve to relax me slightly!

also kids, this weekend is motherfucking TORTOISE weekend! i can hardly sleep i am so excited. i'd like to give the promoter the blowjob of his life for bringing this show to town!!

anyhow, it's only thursday but have a good almost weekend and if you haven't been yet go see 'charlie and the chocolate factory' because it will make you believe in magic again.

(and johnny depp (even with the crazy teeth and hair) is still chalk full of vagina exploding potential)

xo m.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

it'll always be suzie!

i'm PISSED off! pissed right the fuck off!

i have a pretty slack ass job that requires i do nothing more than the five or six things asked of me in a day. one of those five or six things is that i assist customers when they come into the shop. fine. i'm cool with that, i like people (generally) and am a good enough actor that i can fake it when i don't.

not always though...oh no.

side bar: i was hungover this morning when i got up so i got up late and didn't want to brush my hair...i am wearing a hat.

so this fucking guy comes in the shop this afternoon to pick up some tire dressing and window cleaner. i don't know which window cleaner is the best and i have no idea when we're getting more of the stuff in that is generally regarded as being the best. well, buddy didn't believe me and kept arguing with me about how i just wouldn't tell him...what the fuck? why wouldn't i tell him? that would be stupid. so this little mini-argument keeps going down and this prick has taken to calling me suzie...SUZIE! what the hell...??? at the end of our little tiff, and after he has decided which glass cleaner he'd like to try he grabs the brim of my hat says, 'well suzie, this had better be good stuff' and then tugs on the brim.

i'm scowling and seething by this point. i want to kick him in nuts for being such an asshole. instead, i bite my tongue and ignore him as i write up his invoice. all the while he continues to call me suzie while asking me for a deal... A DEAL?!? what the fuck? he's kidding right? i laugh and tell him i have no authority to give him a deal (which i don't) and he just laughs.

he continues trying to engage me in conversation and i continue to dismiss each attempt. as he leaves he says,

"alright then. til next time then suzie"

i reply, "til next time. oh, and for future use, it's michelle.'

and with his exit:

"it'll always be suzie!"

stupid motherfucker. i should have kicked him in the balls.


bowling well is for suckers!

i SUCK ass at hardcore. i'm just bad at it. we played two games on saturday night and i had a combined score of somewhere around 110. people who are good can score up to 300 in ONE game! it would take me SIX to even come close to, i suck at sports!

saturday evening was my friend lindsay's birthday and as her maid of honour it was my job to plan the stagette. had i been planning it we would have done the following:

1) dinner at a nice restuarant
2) strippers (female)
3) bar after bar after bar consuming as much alcohol as is possible to consume, puking and then going for it again.
4) a long, long taxi ride home: it would long because the cab driver would have to keep stopping so one or all of us could get out and puke some more.
5) sleep...
6) wake up in the morning to a breakfast prepared and served by well hung and well groomed men...

we did only one of those things: dinner.

lindsay does not like the bar, drunk people, puking (in any capacity) or strippers...i planned the stagette she wanted... i will also keep a drink count for those curious...

1) dinner at sicilian pasta kitchen. (drink count: 16 people, 2 bottles of wine, 2 long island ice teas)
2) laser tag (12 people, 0 drinks)
3) bowling (12 people, 6 drinks-only one of which was consumed by the bride to be)
4) board games (7 people, 0 drinks but a LOT of candy!)
5) sleep
6) breakfast at smitty's served by an old lady in a navy blue shirt and black polyester pants

it was still fun though...good clean wholesome fun. i had A glass of wine and A strongbow and did not sleep well due to overconsumption of miss vickies but all in all it was fun.

when (and if) i ever have a stagette it'll be far more the former plan rather than the latter and EVERYONE will be expected to party right along with me until we're all passed out in a ditch somewhere!

shit, who wants to get married so i can do this shit right now?

oh, and i did i mention that the well groomed, well hung men would be naked?

actually, thinking about it again i am not sure if i want to get married so i can have this party...i need to have another friend get married so we can have this party and i can FUCK one of those well groomed and well hung men...:)


Saturday, July 16, 2005


moving sucks.

moving makes my arms hurt.

i pack too much in the boxes and then it takes me like a hundred years to get them down the stairs...*WHINE*

tonight will be the last night (for a while) that i sleep soundly in my relaxing sage green room with the glow and hum of the computer beckoning me at all hours of the night.

it'll be weird to be away from msn for a while and to not even have the internet for a little while. i guess stranger things have happened and i still have it at work...phew!

anyways...i just wanted to say that i was moving. i just did.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

contests are fun!

so, as per usual, i was wasting time this morning doing my usual blog check and was struck by jeff's post. it made me laugh because it's funny as fuck but he came at from a very male perspective; which isn't too surprising since he is a MALE.

i now propose to make public equally crass generalizations all in the name of humour. and for fun's sake i'll make this another have to guess which catagory i fall into and if you MUST justify your response. the funniest justification will win a prize. i still owe louise a prize for the car contest so now i'll owe two prizes. contests are fun!

so, the thesis of jeff's post was that despite how wonderful the local music scene is and despite how wonderful and accepted you may feel within that scene; it is ridiculously clique-y and elistist and segregated. jeff then when on to outline the major divisions in the scene and how they can be distinguished from one another. so go read jeff's post (there's a link up there^^) and then see below to identify the female members of each of said subsections:

punk girls

these girls are RARELY actually in punk bands
they wear multiple studded belts and jackets and often sport the chelsea haircut or sometimes a mohawk. a multiplicity of vibrant hair colours are a must, as are combat boots and ripped fishnets.
they date punk boys and are often found smoking outside at hallshows while they're boyfriend's band soundchecks.
indie girls are their enemy.
will beat up sXe girls.
are sometimes into metal but hate metal girls.
often instantly recognizable by their uniform use of little skulls with bows on their heads.

emo girls

emo girls are an odd group because emo girls are about saving emo boys...
emo girls are usually found at the front of the stage during my chemical romance singing along to every song and dreaming of how they can bring the emo singer out of his miserable existence and into the light of love.
they often dress like emo boys and sport vertical labret or lip piercings.
black hair with a contrasting red or pink is a must as are a ripped up pair of black chucks.
they hate punk chicks because they're scary.
they think indie girls aren't emotional enough and just don't have enough love for their boys and care too much about music.
metal girls are just too tacky.

indie girls

necessities for being an indie girl:
an underweight artsnob boyfriend
an ironic haircut
vintage blazer
stylish flats
hot $300 jeans
an immense knowledge of both fashion and music
and a STRICT belief that you are NOT an indie snob but a true supporter of the independent artist.
you must abhor punk girls for their simplicity, emo girls for their naivete and metal girls for being so horribly tacky.

hardcore girls

there are few of these and usually mesh fairly well with the emo girls.
sXe (straight edge) girls are the same as sXe boys: holier-than-thou (as puke for the 36th time and take your VD perscpition) and no fun!
anyone who isn't them just sucks and isn't respecting their body as the temple it is.

metal girls

tacky as all shit.
prison looking tattoos of devils on motorcycles
worshipping at the alter of axel rose
often lack in the personal hygiene department
think that a bleach blonde with black roots 80s haircut is hot shit.
only date metal guys.

oh wait, i think i just described biker chicks. ah well, it's all the fucking same and bikers listen to metal right?

that's that. so now when you're out a show you can judge right along with everyone else, it's what ALL the cool kids are doing.


oh, and for all you who haven't caught on to this being a joke (a joke that i stole from jeff and decided to carry on) it is! go to shows, have fun, meet people and stop being such a pretentious fucking matter what your jeans look like.

oh, and for those of you who are wondering-jeff's totally emo :) hee hee...jk.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

cock and wine

today started out like any other day, pleasant enough, rushed morning, no time for breakfast, the usual...

i got to work on time, traffic wasn't a problem, there was stuff for me to do, i wasn't sexually harassed by any customers on the phone and i got to shake hands with a nice old man with very soft hands...

all in all it started out as an ok morning.

so 2.5 hours into my work day i am required to go to the bank on my way to get lunch. i get into my car, turn on the music really loud, roll down the windows, put my shades and the air conditioning on and head on out for a tuna sandwich and a bank deposit. so, there i am, rocking out to bright eyes thinking about how eventless the morning has been when this truck cuts me off right before the intersection at 111 avenue and 170 street. whatever, edmonton drivers are hideous so i don't think too much about...and besides, i am sure that the 4 seconds he'd get to turn left in front of me made his day more pleasant. actually, that's a lie- i swore really loud at him.

anyhow, so i'm stuck behind this guy who cut me off waiting at a very long light when i happen to notice the decal on his back's partially obscured by the quad in his truck bed but i see that one side of it says, in this fucking 'metal' writing "TITTIES..."

i'm curious right. i wanna know how offensive this shit is actually going to get because already i'm unimpressed. so i wait patiently until the light changes and i turn into the lane on his right hand side...

the other side says "... AND BEER"

anyways, i was totally grossed out!

on what planet is shit like that appropriate? if some misogynistic frat boy asshole wants to have that opinion fine, keep it to your fucking self or at least find a more clever way to express yourself...

how would people react if i decided to have a decal made that read, 'a gorgeous throbbing cock and a southeastern australian shiraz' i'd probably get pulled over or have my car vandalized or something.

c'mon people! shit! have some fucking respect for those that have to look at your misogynistic pronouncements on their way to get a tuna on multi-grain. i can't do anything to change the way you feel about women (and obviously you hate them) or what you choose to do to your private property but i think people should remember that there are other people who have to read that shit as they pass by you (including impressionable 13 yr. old boys) and may not like it.

fuck man, i am so going to get my 'gorgeous throbbing cock...' decal made this week.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005


i fucked up.

links will be fixed soon.


the times-they ARE a changin'

i needed a change.

the blog needed a change.

i will redo my links list and all that jazz soon.

don't be's for the best.


Monday, July 11, 2005

freaks and geeks

just so we're all on the same page: i have 8 piercings and 4 tattoos. (this will be important in a second)

with sunday comes the obligatory family dinner. i thought perhaps i could skip it this week but i wasn't so lucky.

i should actually clarify. this family dinner consists of my sister and i travelling to the 'woods to visit my dad, his fiancee and her two kids. sometimes, like last night, we are blessed with the displeasure of being joined by our future step-grandmother. neither rachel nor i like her. she tries to tell us what to do and that is just un-fucking-cool. also, she is bad at playing cards because she's really impatient.

anyhow, not the point.

so last night (and thankfully before step-oma arrives) one of my future step-sisters sarah happens to notice my newest piercing.

sarah: oh wow! that must have hurt!

me: yep.

which immediately starts a barrage of "would it hurt to get x pierced" to which my answer is always "yes"-because idiots, it will and it will hurt a lot probably.

then, my dad informs all those sitting at the table that i also have a new tattoo. whether i want to or not i am now forced to show and tell all about the new tattoo.

dad: shit michelle, that must've hurt

michelle: no, it wasn't too bad actually.

which immediately starts a barrage of "would it hurt to get tattoo here? (gesture towards some body part)" to which my answer always "yes"-because idiots, it will and it will probably hurt a lot...oh, and you'll bleed too.

what? there's blood?!

what the fuck, of course there's's a cut!

anyhow, shit like this frustrates me to no end. i hate being treated like the freak at the table being bombarded with questions that have obvious answers or that i simply cannot answer ie: "how much will is cost for a tattoo *this* big"

shit kids, i'm just a person who happens to enjoy getting pierced and tattooed. it's not a fucking novelty and neither am i. you all know me well enough to know that i am pretty fucking normal, even how i look, and to treat me any differently is ridiculous.

by the time we actually started eating i was ready to hit someone, even my sister-who has a fucking tattoo and a pierced nose of her own!

xo michelle.


my foot hurts.

i just dropped a trolley and two 20L (5gal.) pails on my little toes.

my watch face is all scratched to shit.

i spent $133 on my car this morning at 7:30 am.

i'm tired.

i'm still sad and not only for myself.

but, on the plus side it's two month today until my birthday!

start thinking of presents now!

xo michelle.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

adulthood approaches.

alright kids,
i am almost 24 years old.

two months and two days in fact.

so, as i quickly approach old and i am all finished with that whole undergrad thing i decided that it was time.

time? time to leave my mother and the comforts of free shit behind.

now, before i go any further i just want to say that i haven't been living at home rent free, i travelled my little ass off so i haven't been there for very long and i grew up here and went to university here...there was no real fiscally responsible reason for me NOT to live at home...shit, i have enough student loan debt as it is.

anyhow, my mother is starting to go a bit crazy (she needs to go on a date, i think) and i need to be rid of her.

so, i'm moving. in fact, i signed the lease today and i am moving next week. i will be living three blocks from our famed street full of drunken frat boys but also only three blocks up and two over from cafe mosaics and the best hummus and hashbrowns (not together) that i have tasted in this town.

it should be cool. i'll be living with my sister and i won't have to drive my ass (or her ass) everywhere anymore which will surely allow me to consume far more alcohol and weed.

so, to all of you living here email me and you can come over for the 85second tour and i'll give you a glass of tap water to drink if you bring me a present. (we still need a couch!)

xo michelle.

menstruation is a part of life, michelle.

yes mom, i know...and please don't call it that...that's icky. just call it a period, jeez!

ok, yes, i get that the shedding of one's uterine lining is a natural and beautiful thing that as women we should embrace and being special and natural and beautiful...


dear uterus,

why, why, why do you loathe me so much. you have spent the past THREE months sitting quietly, not making even the slightest move to shed your lining causing me to think that perhaps you were instead growing a baby...but no, you were just waiting! biding your time until you could come out and KILL ME WITH CRAMPY pain!

fuck you!

what have i ever done to you? i don't stick odd things up there causing cervix to hit into you and jostle you around. you are given love by only fingers, tongues, vibes and the occassional penis...or i suppose you aren't directly but the community in which you reside is being well taken care of.

also, you've never been vacuumed out or been forced to grow any kids along your walls. even that terrible doctor was nicer to you than she was to cervix!

i just don't know what to do with you uterus...shoot you for cramping? i think we both know how counterproductive that would be. should we agree to disagree? i think we're doing that already, don't you?

i guess the irregular saga will continue, uterus. i can't call it love but i suppose we do have our thing.

take care of yourself, and me, please.

xo michelle.

a little quiz

and within that quiz some info about your's truly is revealed.

Instructions:Copy this entire list into your blog/journal. BOLD everything about you that is true. Leave plain anything that is false about you. Put an asterisk (*) at the end of false statements you would LIKE to be true.

I have had sex while wearing a blindfold.*
I have blindfolded someone else during sex.*
I have had sex while watching porn.*
I have had sex while surfing porn on the Internet.*
I sleep better after sex.
There are some nights I cannot sleep without sex or masturbating.
The bed is NOT my most favorite place to have sex.
I am turned on knowing someone is watching me masturbate.
I have masturbated for someone over a web cam.* (but i don't have a webcam...)
I have had sex over a web cam.
I will have sex with someone I just met if they turn me on. (yeah, i suppose so...and i suppose it's happened so...)
I have been tied up during sex.*
I have had sex with someone who was tied up. *
I have dripped wax onto a lover's body.
I have had a lover drip wax onto my body.
I have a foot fetish.
I have a leather fetish.
I have a tickle fetish. (i have a sex should be fun and laughter is part of fun fetish...)
I like being choked during sex.
I have had sex in a burning building.
I have erotic art on display somewhere in my residence. (i have to beautiful large nudes in my bedroom painted by a friend)
I enjoy nudie magazines.
Erotic toys are a regular part of my budget. (not a regular part but i've got a few so...)
I think PLAYBOY is tame, maybe even boring.
I have clicked on porn links in my email. (curiosity often gets the better of me)
I know the difference between girl/girl and lesbian sex in porn.
I have watched more than one gay/lesbian porn video.
Much of what I know about sex comes from porn.
Interracial sex turns me on.
I think we should do more to understand the cultures of sex.
I would participate in sex research given the opportunity.
My current lover does not sufficiently meet my sexual needs.
I currently have a "crush" on someone of the same sex. (yeah, i guess i sort of do..) I have had sex at my place of employment.*****
I am often disappointed in my sexual relationships.
Some people might describe me as a nymphomaniac.*
I am difficult to live with if I'm not having sex on a regular basis.
I sleep better with someone snuggled up next to me.
I have had sex under water.
I have had sex in the snow.*
I am in a polyamorous relationship.
I have to have music playing while having sex.
I have had more than ten orgasms in one night.****
I have flashed strangers.
I have given sex as a gift.*
I have set-up a three-way for my lover.*
I stopped during this list to have sex. (no one to have sex with as i complete this list :( )

xo michelle.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


here are some photos of my tattoos:

this one is the on my left wrist and was finished (after 3 touchups) in march of this year.
it was done by michelle at ritualistics. she's now moved to nanaimo b.c.
boo to that.

these next two are photos of my newest tattoo. it's a blue star on my left calf just to the left of my kneecap.
it was done by forrest at dragonfx in kingsway...yeah. i know it's a mall tattoo but it's a fucking star, i don't need the best artist in the city for that.

man, i need some sunlight!

my other two tattoos are on my right thigh and inbetween my shoulder blades. maybe i'll grab some photos of them sometime soon.

xo michelle.

Monday, July 04, 2005

i wish...

right now i wish i could rid myself entirely of the internet.

i wish that i wasn't so dependent on my email for what's happening to me two hours from now and i wish i wasn't so tied to and afraid of my phone so i would use it a little bit more.

it's like an email address has become the new telephone number for someone you just met and you're still free to avoid that person should you so desire.

someday we'll all have computers implanted in our brains and we will be able to psychically ignore each other with just a thought.

what a world.

xo michelle.

the tattoo saga pt. 7

i think it's part 7.

get this blog kids, this is my 15oth post since i started this bad boy back in december...holy shit!!

anyhow...the tattoo saga pt. 7:

meg and i finally went tattoo shop shopping this past saturday and i have decided that my sleeve will be done (hopefully) by johnny at urge. (well, urge2 actually because urge is in victoria) i am pumped about it too because he's so fucking wicked. amazing details and colours...damn!

i'd send a link but they don't have a website...odd.

so, yeah...july 29th i will be meeting with johnny...paying some sort of deposit (if he isn't a shit) and the ball towards tattoo bliss will begin!!

meg and i left urge2 feeling that know the one. the urge for that sound, for that sting, for that adreneline rush...the rush that comes from nowhere other than the tattoo needle making contact with your flesh.

so, what do you do when that urge overtakes you? you get fucking tattooed. we both just wanted something simple and small and didn't feel like getting it done at urge because it's so...what's the word...hardcore, i suppose, so we decided we'd just head over to kingsway mall and get it done at the ultimate in faux-cool tattoo shops: dragonfx.

here's the scoop on dragonfx: the first one was in west edmonton mall! what more do you really need to know?

so we go to kingsway; head over to dragonfx; fill out all the appropriate information; and away we go. meg got a little pink star outline just above her achillies tendon and i got a blue star outline (they are the same) just to the left of my left knee cap.

(here's where there'd be a photo so check back later or tomorrow to see if i got it up)

afterwards, i felt like i'd been fucked senseless for was fantastic! and i can't wait for the start of something big with johnny!

xo michelle.

Friday, July 01, 2005

kanada tag


well blogland, it's that day again...the summer excuse to get drunk and act like a fucking moron on whyte ave.

please don't do that.

actually, do whatever you want. i won't be there to join you. canada day is sort of stupid. i like fireworks but i prefer them when they just on a random wednesday or something.

anyhow, i might be out tonight...partying with the cool kids downtown (not near whyte) but otherwise i'll be watching movie in my basement. call me, we can bitch about how uncool those thousands of people that went out tonight are!

xo michelle.