Monday, July 25, 2005


i'm hot and tired.

i should not have worn a skirt to work today...lugging these pails around is not good for my legs...they scratch.

also, i was at the bank earlier today and i bent over to pick up my sunglasses (they're broken so they fall off a lot) and as i stood up i cracked my head really hard on the counter. all the girls in the bank we're like, 'OMIGOD, are you ok?' and i said, 'no' and they didn't know what to say so they rushed through my deposit just so they could get me out of there.

at least greyhound parcel appreciates my business.

i want to say something about the tortoise show last night but i don't have the words mind is b-lown! i will try tomorrow...

also, leaving juneau and fractal pattern were fantastic on friday. i got a little smashed and tried hard not to act like a drunken fool...and i was doing well until i spilled my beer all over the table in one spectacular hand wave...i recovered and don't think i did anything else embarassing...

anyhow, go look at jeff's blog, find the link to his mp3's (i'll put a link up sometime soon too) and then rock out. he won't disappoint!

more on tortoise tomorrow...

xo m.

p.s. my head still fucking hurts!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks michelle!
Glad you liked the show. I also got a little drunk and loud. Oops. Good thing it was after the set.

Hopefully by September sometime I'll have some real mp3s up, other than the home demos.