Saturday, July 09, 2005

menstruation is a part of life, michelle.

yes mom, i know...and please don't call it that...that's icky. just call it a period, jeez!

ok, yes, i get that the shedding of one's uterine lining is a natural and beautiful thing that as women we should embrace and being special and natural and beautiful...


dear uterus,

why, why, why do you loathe me so much. you have spent the past THREE months sitting quietly, not making even the slightest move to shed your lining causing me to think that perhaps you were instead growing a baby...but no, you were just waiting! biding your time until you could come out and KILL ME WITH CRAMPY pain!

fuck you!

what have i ever done to you? i don't stick odd things up there causing cervix to hit into you and jostle you around. you are given love by only fingers, tongues, vibes and the occassional penis...or i suppose you aren't directly but the community in which you reside is being well taken care of.

also, you've never been vacuumed out or been forced to grow any kids along your walls. even that terrible doctor was nicer to you than she was to cervix!

i just don't know what to do with you uterus...shoot you for cramping? i think we both know how counterproductive that would be. should we agree to disagree? i think we're doing that already, don't you?

i guess the irregular saga will continue, uterus. i can't call it love but i suppose we do have our thing.

take care of yourself, and me, please.

xo michelle.

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