Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"my booth is in a shooter bar! i'm definately taking a cab one of these days..."

i'm tired.

i'm mid-tech-week-can't-see-tired.

i've got a lot on my mind about the future. i don't care what anyone says, turning 25 is a big deal and the closer it gets the more i am aware of it and the more i am aware of this concept of the 'future'. i feel like i am on the right path i just hope the world feels it too. anyways, there's a lot on my mind. i feel like some pretty significant changes are going to be made in the next little while.

i was caught completely off-guard the other day when a 'friend' (i use that term REALLY loosely in this case) told me some very bad news-or that he got some very bad news. natasha said it was karma. i don't think karma breaks hearts, and no one deserves that kind of worry-that kind of death...i have experience with illness like that and so i offered my support. he told me i was brave to offer. i don't know what the means. why is an offer of time and a shoulder brave? isn't is what we should do. i mean, if i can be there for a friend when they need me then i feel like i'm doing ok at my life, not being brave. it just reminds me that i can always afford to be a little less self-involved. bravery doesn't even figure into it.

so amidst all the tired and weirdness and bad news i managed to accidentally have one of the funnest weekends i've had in a while. go figure...

can i just say that i LOVE my friends. seriously, i'm fucking lucky! they're supportive and kind and all give really fucking fantastic hugs.

friday was bree's birthday celebration and i have to admit i was a little nervous about going. sure, i knew a few people there but i wasn't drinking and i was worried...whatever, i ALWAYS get nervous in social situations regardless of how many people i know.

it ended up being a superduper good time. cool people. good music (yay for house parties with dj's!) and good friends!

jeff, andy, med. jeff, teira, trevor and i ended up heading over to the sidetrack for the johnson's cd release party and to see the rocky fortune. i think saturday was the 5th or 6th time i'd seen the rocky fortune and shit! they were fantastic. best they've been in my opinion. if you haven't heard them CLICK THAT LINK! and be prepared to hear one of the best bands in alberta come blasting through your speakers! fuck yes!

the johnsons made me feel 14 again. who still plays skatepunk anyways?! ha ha. i'd seen them before and been pretty unimpressed (seriously, who plays skatepunk?!) but friday was hella fun and i was impressed if for no other reason than it's obvious how much fun they're having.

the johnsons:

photo/street cred: this kid

saturday came and meant i got to sleep in a little. a little...and then i spent the afternoon fabric shopping with daniela for the show. i LOVE her. seriously. i hope we get to be friends when we aren't working together anymore.

saturday was also nick's birthday. nick is hands-down without a doubt one of my favourite people ever. he's kind, generous, hilarious, the perfect amount of cynical and is always around with a shoulder to cry on or a big hug. he's supportive, creative, insanely literate and smart, articulate, cute...jesus, i could on forever. basically, i fucking love him.

the point is is that OBVIOUSLY i was totally stoked for the debauchery that would invariably take place.

here are some of the debaucherous highlights:
(that i can remember...i consumed a copious of amount of intoxicants)

-hockey and weed
-boy boobs flashed on jasper ave.
(can i just interject and say here that i was waaaaaaaaaaaaay too high for all the fucking post-game honking. it was way too over stimulating...)
-a game of 'i've never...' that ended in the consumption of a LOT of martini's
-me stripping on the dance floor.
-a lot of teasing about showing off my piercing.
-a HOT YOUNG PIERCED PENIS for me and shannon!!
-my tits being flashed all over jasper ave.
-a lot of dance floor make-outs.
-nick undoing my pants on the dance floor promising me that no one would see so i should really show off my piercing. (the funniest part? i was this close to actually doing it)

did i mention that this really hot boy showed me and shannon his cock at halo?!

at the end of the night i was fucking tired but it was so fun and i didn't puke despite how much i drank. my friends are good kissers! ;)

maya took the pictures of my drunk ass...

now, usually hangover sundays involve me going for breakfast and/or sitting around in as little clothes as appropriate for the company i'm with and smoking weed to 'take the edge off'...ha ha. i chose a different route for this past hangover sunday.

fuck yes! what a great way to spend a couple of hours on a sunday afternoon. good friends. good music. warm living room. eli, esq.,jr., westfalia, and i am a liar are all seriously fucking badass. i hope these caterpillar shows happen again and again and fun! make it happen, eli! :D

the point of all of this was just to remember what a fucking killer weekend i am and how lucky i am to have such amazing friends. thanks amazing friends, for making my life fun and full of love.

hugs, kisses and sweet dreams!

xo xo michelle.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

les mots

boys and girls who read are insanely sexy!

c'est tout!
xo michelle.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

yeah, it's new. i'll have to re-do my links.
tell me what you think...


love is an (international) and noisy battlefield

and i'd fight, hard, for my love.

sexiest. frontman. ever.

ha ha.

really, my complete love for the (international) noise conspiracy has NOTHING to do with the uber-sexiness of my future husband denis lyxzen. seriously. but he is hot...

whatever, not the point.

i think i first heard t(i)nc sometime in 2001 or 2002. the first song i heard was 'capitalism stole my virginity' and had discovered them somewhere along my path to discovering that refused was of the only hardcore bands that didn't make me want to rip my ears off my head. either way, i was instantly hooked.

and i wasn't hooked soley by the quality of the music but also by the quality of the message. i continue to appreciate their passion and commitment to their political ideals. more than anything i appreciate their acknowledgement of the glaring contradictions of being an anti-capitalist band who needs to sell records to survive. that's always been the thing that makes me laugh about so many supposed anarchist/anti-capitalist punk bands-they just don't seem to be aware of the irony of what they do. their struggle is something that i, as an artist, really appreciate. how do we survive as artists without 'selling out' and still manage to eat/pay rent/not have a day-job/not die?

t(i)nc is also one of those bands who's songs inspire a crazy amount of nostalgia. their new album, armed love, for example takes me back to the fall of 2004 when i went to europe to prevent a post-graduation nervous breakdown. i got this album the first day i was in london (it wasn't available in n. america at the time-and also still on burning heart) and i remember walking around london, edinburgh and dublin with that album as the soundtrack to those thousands of steps.

i closed my eyes last night during 'communist moon' and i could smell the cobblestone and train stations and that little cemetary in the middle of ediburgh that inspired my sleeve.

it's funny because before i left for that trip i was trying to plan my time in france around their tour schedule thinking if i didn't see them in europe i'd never see them. it didn't work out. and i've been lucky; i've seen them twice in the past 18months right here in good ol' edmitten.

last night's show was a zillion times better than the last time i saw them peep this:

(from may 18, 2005)

on tuesday i had the pleasure of hitting up the venue equivalent of stalingrad (thanks jeff) for a little concert!

the (international) noise conspiracy are one of my FAVOURITE bands! they killed! KILLED! so much energy and joy to their show. they are a band who, without a doubt, LOVE what they are doing and have fun with it. it's so nice to see a band with something intellegent to say be totally rad without all the artifice of post-modern ironic hipster bullshit. you aren't that cool, denis lyxzen knows you aren't that cool so just fucking dance and stop trying to be cool!! they KILLED! i love this band!

and finally......and you will know us by the trail of dead were not my favourite. to be honest i found them a bit boring. while their two amazing drummers made me a little bowl of panty soup i just couldn't get past the uber-masculine-prog-taking-ourselves-WAY-too-seriously-bombast! they are good musicians but remember boys, rockin' out can be fun too...i just can't understand how you can take yourself seriously when you're play the tambourine...c'mon you emo-tastic idiots...HAVE FUN!! your black hearts and cheesy as shit lyrics will probably forgive you!

so that's what i had to say almost a year to the day ago and let me tell you something last night's show was a zillion times more fun, energetic and joyful than the last time i saw them. i think it had a lot to do with the fact that the show wasn't at reds. i think the last time the band found the idea of playing in that mecca to over-consumption and jeans a little nauseating.

whatever it was, they played an amazing show and just reinforced all the things i love about live music. even just being there really made me feel a lot better.

x's and o's


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

a death.

edvard munch said "illness, insanity and death are the black angels that kept watch over my cradle and accompanied me all my life"

perhaps this is true for all of us. at some points anyway.

i have almost lost my dad a couple of times. and i can't imagine what that must feel like. and to lose a child. there can't be words for that.

my aunt is faced with that right now.

early sunday morning my cousin frank was killed in a car accident.

he and four of his friends were 'sprint racing'. they took turns seeing who could drive the fastest.
one of them was drunk. when it was his turn to drive he spun out of control, hit some trees, flipped the car and sent it flying into the river.

at some point along the way frank broke his neck and was killed. as was one other boy in the car. the driver was injured and two others walked away without a scratch.

my aunt and uncle live in germany. my dad left for the funeral this morning. the hardest thing about all this is seeing my dad cry.

and he cries not only from grief but from fear. i see him looking at me and worrying that i could be next. that my stupid choices or someone elses could mean that i won't be around.

that fear breaks my heart.

i wish no one ever had to go through what my aunt and uncle are going through. what frank's brother is going through. what anyone who has lost like that has gone through. it makes me wish the world was simpler and people didn't die before they should.

mostly it makes me sad.

heartfelt love to you all, to nick especially for this hasn't been an good weekend for you either.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

vag! vag! vag!

warning: this post is not safe for work! much like this*

consider yourself warned now scroll down if you wish.

i guess i've taken this whole slightly pierced/tattooed thing to another level

sidebar: i love LOVE when people use the phrase 'taking it to another level

one of the first people i ever had sex with was this thugged out little 19 year old kid. he was really hot and really really inappropriate. we had SILENT sex in our hostel in washington d.c. in a twin bed while a finnish lady who spent her days baking bread and applying for jobs slept. it was amazing. the point is the little inappropriate thug kid had TWO genital piercings. a shaft apadravya (although his was a little bit further back than the one in this photo) and a reverse prince albert and i totally loved it! since then i've been a little curious.

now i don't have a penis so i can't really get a reverse p.a. but i do have a clitoris with a nice hood on it. ha ha!

so about two months or so ago i went in to get my other nostril pierced and i decided to talk to the lovely ryan at strange city about the whole hood piercing* thing. he told me about the risks, the healing, the piercing itself and answered all of ridiculous questions about nerve damage and painful sex and shit. he was rad and nice (and cute) but i decided to wait. about a month later had to go get my nipple piercings taken care of (the barbells were too long) and i asked all the same questions over again.

what? it's scary to think about someone shoving a big needle through any pieceof skin-the skin on my ladyparts is even scarier!

so then two saturdays ago i finished my eggs and hashbrowns over at mosaics and i walked past strange city and something hit me. i said 'fuck it!' and in i walked and made an appointment for the following sunday...i didn't do it right then because i was bleeding...gross.

period+genital piercing=NO THANK YOU!

so a week passed. and truthfully i didn't think much about it. i told a lot of people i was doing it so i couldn't chicken out and honestly i was looking sort of forward to it. i always look a little forward to the things that i know are going to hurt.

michelle nancy kennedy: part masochist, part adreneline junkie, part fool.

i decided i didn't want anyone to come with me for three reasons: 1) it's my vagina! 2) another person there would make me even more nervous 3) this isn't for the vicarious livers. come, watch me get tattooed, my nose pierced, hell, even my nipples...but this experience was mine.

so sunday morning rolls around and i wake up and shower and shave and pick out the right underwear. i want it to be cute without looking like i chose cute underwear on purpose. someone is going to be seeing me in my panties and i don't want them to be ugly. dark green boy cut low rise. strong choice. very alt. porn or something...ha ha.

do i wear a skirt? i wondered this all morning. i opted for pants. i didn't want everyone in the waiting room to know i was getting my vag pierced.

ha ha.

so i go there and i pay ($80 incl. tip) i wait and i worry and the other girl there tries to calm me down by telling me hurts less than getting waxed (?!) but mostly i just sit and vibrate. i'm nervous...i KNOW it's going to hurt.

so when i get in there ryan and i just kind of chat about the weekend and the 'riot' (?!) on whyte that friday, etc... he didn't really tell me what he was doing or what all the tools were-it wasn't really necessary seeing as how i already have a few piercings and he himself did a few of them. so he told me to take of my pants and lie down.


so he's cleaning me off and apologized for the fact that it was a little uncomfortable. i said, 'i'd be lying if i said it was completely uncomfortable'...WHAT?! a cute boy has his fingers all over me i'm not going to complain...yet. the dry cotton swab and the q-tip test weren't comfortable nor what was to follow.

i had mentioned earlier that i wanted jewelry no bigger than 10g. so what ryan does is he pierces at a 12g and then immediately stretches up to a 10g. (here's a gauge chart if you're curious... keep in mind this is a scale drawing and 10g is bigger than that. ask to see my conch piercing if you're curious...) apparently the pressure from bigger jewelry in a smaller hole puts pressure on the wound and controls the bleeding. cool.

so he marks the spot. shows me. looks good and apparently my anatomy supports the piercing so we go to town. or rather, ryan does.

one. two. three. 'we'll pierce on the next exhale, ok?'



that's exactly what i said.

time for the stretching.


seriously folks, i don't have the words to describe the intensity of that feeling. it's not all pain and it's not all pleasure. it hurts like fuck but at the same time you get so tense and are so completely aware of your genitals that as the pain subsides you cum, basically. i mean it wasn't the same kind of orgasm i've had thanks to a big hard cock but it's such a release and no matter how clinical the actual piercing is there's no way to deny the sex in it. so basically, yes, i came. hard.

after it was all over and i looked at my newly bejeweled lady parts (it looks amazing!) and got dressed and left. i couldn't really talk. i was just sort of amazed at the intensity of the situation-which i'm articulating poorly-and mostly i could only say, 'wow! that was intense' and giggle a little. ryan walked me out, shook my hand and i left a happy camper.

i saw leah and eli later in the day and i'm sure i was a space case. (sorry kids...) i felt for the rest of the day liked i'd been fucked too hard to speak. my body felt that way too.

so all in all it was rad. bleeding was minimal. it doesn't really hurt anymore; it twinges sometimes and i am aware of it but it's not annoying and aftercare seems to be going alright.

so yeah...

xo xo michelle.

*weird, i never link to porn. ahwell...
*this isn't a picture of MY hood piercing. i am going to take one and if you ask really nicely and i'm not creeped out by your asking to see a picture of my vagina i'll show it to you. hell, maybe we can just get drunk...;)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

you're all invited...

i have been feeling sorry for myself lately-a lot.

i just sit and pout.

i'm 24. jesus.

i don't know why...if i did i'd just stop. i just feel like i am not getting what i want, that perhaps things could be different-or better. or that people just aren't paying enough attention to what i need. GIVE ME WHAT I WANT! i'm such a princess...

obviously it's selfish. OBVIOULSY! but i feel crappy and i want to pout about it. c'est la (self)pity party.

i think (think) what started this whole thing is the six...*counts* yes, SIX different moving conversations i've had in the past little while. i have awesome friends and with awesome comes the potential to work/study all over this country/landmass/earth...whatevs! and here they are going, 'should i go...?' and all i want to do is scream "GOOOOOO!" because i want to go! i want to finish the shows i am working on and get the fuck outta dodge and off to grad school. i have another year of screaming "GO!" at people in my head before i can actually go. i'm jealous of all of new england, vacouver, toronto, germany, ireland, rockstars...all of it!

i dunno...welcome to my pity party. it's byob and byop (pout!). you can leave your shoes on and feel free to smoke pot in the house. oh, and you can have sex in my bed if you want...all i use it for is sleeping. that's the other thing...

don't even get me started on that thing...

that sex thing.

i'm babbling but there's dance music playing and i'm in a party mood.


Monday, May 15, 2006

counting myself in? the census debate...

(why do i always want spell census with another 'c'?...)

so as i'm sure most of us canadians out there know may 16, 2006 is census day...the day when you get to put all your personal information on a piece of paper and ship it off to stats canada and they 'count you in'

i used to get really excited about counting myself in during the census. i wanted to be one of the x amount of canadian citizens represented in the stats. fuck, i realise i wanted to be a statistic! eek!

so this year things are a little bit different. for one i look a LOT more critically at what's being asked of me than i did the last i was aware of the census rolling around (when was that?) and two there seems to be a lot more controversy surrounding this year census.

here are the basics as i understand them:

-under NAFTA foreign (ie: american, in this case) companies are allowed to bid on canadian contracts. the winning bidder?
lockheed martin: major american weapon's manufacturer. lockheed martin are the people behind a good chunk of the fire power being deployed in the 'war on terror' in iraq.

uncool right?

right! and canadian were not cool with the fact that stats canada was originally going to give COMPLETE control of the census to lockheed martin so they revamped the original contract and now only stats can employees have access to confidential census data BUT lockheed martin still is in charge of all the hardware and software for date collection.

so i'm torn. there is one side of the coin that calls for a complete boycott of the census. why should we support lockheed martin in any way? by providing lockheed martin with this contract it could be seen as evidence of the canadian government's unwillingness to take a true stand against the privatization and profiting from war. by providing one of the worst corporations in the world with this contract we are effectively supporting the war.

this also calls to the fore the slow but ever present americanization of canada under NAFTA.
by allowing major american corporations access to these contracts we are allowing ourselves to be a victim of american imperialism and this antiquated notion of 'manifest destiny'.
if we don't take a stand against it it's only going to get worse, right?

on the other hand i recognize that census provided invaluable information about demographics that are used to aid discussions about education, social programs, welfare, aid, etc.

but i've come to a decision: i am boycotting the census. i cannot, in good conscience support a government that supports the granting of a contract to a major american weapons manufacturer. for two reasons:

1) i refuse to side with the canadian government in their dealings with a terrorist organization (lockheed martin) that is making money from imperialism and an un-just war

2) i refuse to support a policy (NAFTA) that allows for jobs to be taken away from canadians in favour of an american corporation. the canadian census should be processed by canadian people and the money for services should also go to the canadian people...

that's just my opinion.
i encourage all of you to do some reading and make an informed decision before you fill out that form.

here are some sources that might of interest.
the dominion: news from the grassroots
straight goods
count me out! (a very interesting website about deep integration and NAFTA and minimum co-operation ith the census.)

check it!

EDIT: after checking out some more sources i am sorta digging this minimum co-operation thing...count me out has some awesome info about that...i am SO torn...

love love

Friday, May 12, 2006

michelle's immoral compass

19 is too young right?

i know jeff did the math and the math made it ok but he's so little.

my moral compass goes WAAAY off course when i think about that gorgeous kid...KID. seriously, i am totally torn between my hormones and my head.

my head says dirty, dirty but my hormones...well, they're saying "dirty, dirty" too but their dirties are completely lacking in judgement and looking for fun! ha ha.

not that anything is going to happen but, y'know...

xo michelle 'the dirty old woman'

Thursday, May 11, 2006

money is a big fat ruiner

today i am wearing a hoodie that is about 3 years old, jeans with holes and t-shirt that i got for free last night. i don't have a tonne of cash and whatever money i do have left over after paying all my bills go to getting tattooed. seriously.

i know some of you out there in internerd land and in my real life would argue that this is an irresponsible pursuit but i've made my choice and i continue to make this choice and i could be spending it on heroin. be glad i am not spending $200/day on heroin.

generally i am ok with not being rich, i don't even really like money; but here's the thing: money is still a big fat ruiner. i don't make enough of it and every once in a while my lack of it threatens to ruin something i really want to do.

i am suppose to be taking this megarad/uberprestigous clowning workshop for three weeks in july and while i have no idea how i'll wrangle together $1000 by july i do know that university of alberta's money leeching ways are impeeding my ability to even register in the class. so i can't currently afford to pay them some cash i owe them but i will be able to in like a matter of days and my clowning instructor wants to give my spot to someone else...

this makes me sad. yes, i'm a little poor. deal with it. accept it. i'll be there and i'll find the money and i'll even just pay parking services without a big uproar. i just want something i want to be taken away from me because of money.

i know i shouldn't whine. i was never rich growing up but i never lacked essentials and i know my parents would still be willing to help me out but for fucksake i'm almost 25 and i've made all the beds i lie in and i will take care of this...i just wish it wasn't asked about in such a hostile fucking e-tone.

holy random...

anyways, i wanna talk about the census. another post it is!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

muzak by numb.ers gives me a certain amount of time on my hands and a calculator...hee hee

may 8 2005

a friend or parent commented on the ridiculous amount of cash i spend on music a year.
i don't think i spend a ridiculous amout by any means; music enriches my life and fuck if i care that it unriches my wallet.

so i embarked on a mission: i recorded the amount of money i spent on music for an entire calendar year (may 8, 2005-may 8, 2006) and here for your statistical wonderment are the numbers.

the one thing missing is how many cds i bought. i'd be curious to know the quantity as well. averaging $18.00/cd i'm going to guestimate is bought about 120 cds give or take.

the numb.ers

total: $2155.42CAN

may 2005: $244.92
june 2005: $463.20
july 2005: $21.38 (apparently i was poor in july)
august 2005: $135.50
september 2005: $207.71
october 2005: $207.49
november 2005: $152.16
december 2005: $130.07
january 2006: $48.12 (post-christmas low, obviously)
february 2006: $132.29
march 2006: $68.62
april 2006: $336.33 (includes a good chunk of cash spent in nyc)
may 2006: $157.30 (to date)

these amounts do not include gift certificates or gifts.

average monthly spending: $179.62
average amount spent per purchase: $46.86

largest single purchase: $126.56 at etherea in nyc
next largest single purchase: $114. 73 at a&b sound. i JUST got my tax return. i was killing time on the south side, money was burning a hole...

smallest single purchase: $10.54 at tower records in nyc. fuck, tower is terrible...
next smallest single purchase: $10.69 at megatunes

the record store breakout. breakdown.

it's a bit odd that i didn't buy anything from listen but it's a proximity thing...i did buy blonde redhead tickets there though...



total spent: $176.47
percentage of total: 8%
largest purchase: $91.98
comments: can i just state for the record that i am not such a fan of megatunes and shopped there only 4 times in the past year. i used to love it but it's disorganized (seriously, i can never find anything) and some (not all) of the people that work there are rude and unwilling to help. 'do you have...' isn't a difficult question. anyways...


total spent: $733.10
percentage of total: 36%
largest purchase: $90.48
comments: i HEART blackbyrd. i'm in there pretty much weekly, i never pay full price anymore (ha ha...snob!) and i can always find what i want and if i can't i ask and they find it for me or make another suggestion. i used to be totally petrified of that store because i thought i wasn't cool enough...(and i'm still not) but i'm over it because i pretty much NEED it.


total spent: $463.33
percentage of total: 22%
largest purchase: $96.89
comments: i get a lot of gift certificates from hmv and i spend on top of them and the one in
'the mall' is pretty good. seriously, they have a decent selection. i know it's sucky for me to shop there but at least it isn't tower records. tower sucks!

a&b sound

total spent: $501.92
percentage of total: $23%
largest purchase: $114.73
comments: a&b sound actually sucks and i usually find pretty random stuff just by walking around. they have this new 'intellegent dance music' section that sort of makes me laugh though-has dance music been generally stupid in the past? what, wasn't aqua the height of smart composition? if you were wondering what intellegent dance music is it's M83, apparently. anyways, a&b sound is my time killer on the southside. sometimes i go there if i want some new 'idm' for the gym too...

other (merch, etc...)

total spent: $91.50
percentage of total: 4%
largest purchase: $20.00
comments: $20.00 at blonde redhead.

out of town

total spent: $137.10
percentage of total: 7%
largest purchase: $126.56
comments: etherea in nyc ate all my money. it was wonderful!

so that's that. next years tallies are going to include money spent on shows and number of cds in each purchase. that'll be a more accurate count of how much money i actually spend on music.

xo michelle.

alan reprise

turns out alan is actually called ken. i just think he looks like an alan.

Monday, May 08, 2006

old soul sundays

1. being an edmonontonian during playoffs means that at some point during playoffs you will go to the bar and watch the 'big game', you will lament the fact that the oilers were totally dominated by san jose (or whoever) the night before, and you will sympathize with the frat boy crying in his beer at the end of the third period, you may even cry.

there's something universal about hockey, about the playoffs. i think, probably, it's something that speaks to our national identity. we get caught up in both the patriotic and regional glory and the competition. i think canadians need hockey.

during the regular season i could give a shit less about hockey. i go to maybe one game a year and watch less than that but when clarice suggested we head over to a 'bar' to watch the game i never thought for a second to say no. and it was fun. we sighed and guffawed with the crowd and we watched as the oilers were completely dominated. we used phrases like, 'they just need to regroup; they'll pick it up tomorrow" and "it's really too bad they couldn't start the series at home..." etc.

a pint of beer, nachos and hockey. and the question: "what if we lived our whole lives like this? hockey, beer, a trip in from the suburbs to watch the game among the 'freaks' on whyte..." i guess last night we were living our lives like that...

2. he laughed too loud at his own jokes.
he was a rockstar...a madtv rockstar.

two of them. two new people. one lovely but slightly intense and strange. he talked a lot, laughed loud. it was nice. his laugh was loud. LOUD.

the second one is a mini-celebrity, it was a night of mini-celebs, actally-which is strange but whatever...this first mini-celeb. used to do some plays in edmitten. he spends most of his time living and being awesome in L.A. he used to work on madtv and now he does impressions of clay aiken on craig kilbourne or something...i don't know. he was all about the funny. ALL about the funny...

...and his eyebrows were exceptionally well manicured. his sideburns too, come to think about it.

3. when given third or fourth chance for someone to make a first impression i always take it and run with it. one of my favourite things in the whole entire world is being proved wrong about people.

he's pretty 'famous' in our little edmonton theatre scene. people want to work with him. people want to be him. people want to fuck him. i thought he was a prick. he is a prick but he's very aware of it and i think his pricky moments are reserved for the people who deserve it-and trust me, there are people in this community that are deserving of prickish behaviour. but we talked about sex and thai hookers and theatre and big cities and i have an insane amount of respect for him. i dig him. officially. my position has been changed and i like it.

i'm a pretty nice person, i think, but i'm hella judgemental and i know it. i'm working on giving people a chance because you never know right? i guess i'm lucky i'm a judgemental bitch who likes being proved wrong.

i expected none of this last night. i expected to chill and chat and catch up with clarice-one of my favourite people in the entire world-and we did but the evening ended in surprise and a nice hug and a new found appreciation. i LOVE when that shit happens.

i'm thanking the old soul music for making us all a little more 'in tune'. thanks aretha and the blackdog!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

[nothing clever]

things are weird right now.

things just feel really weird. sort of scattered.

and i feel like i am eating my words a lot these days. not eating actually but swallowing them and replacing them with the stuff people want to hear.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

this should be...



i'm really really really fucking nervous right now.

tonight's our first rehearsal for the fantastic play, GayFace, making it's world premier this summer at theatre network's network's neXtfest (june 1-11) and then the edmonton international fringe festival (aug 17-27).

the thing that is sooo nerve-wracking is that i am directing the thing and it's written by one of the people whose friendships i cherish more than anything in the world. nick is amazing and i don't want anything bad to happen to our relationship.

now, i know we're both professionals and whatever happens in the rehearsal hall isn't going to affect how i feel about him but i'm still worried. what if i'm terrible and he hates what i do to his play and the direction i lead him in as an actor?!

god, that leads me to my other point of freakout: what if i am a terrible fucking director and am just a big fat fraud?

ok, i know this is just pre-show jitters...i just needed to get it out.

there, it's out.

come see the show! both times! it'll be a different show at each festival.

loves you

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

jealous of my weekend in NEW YORK? probably should be. so should you and you and you and especially you.

ha ha.

so yeah, i spent a couple weekends ago on manhatten enjoying myself completely and not once thinking about the seven-zillion things keeping me busy and annoyed in good ol' edmitten.

now, i'm sure you're wondering how the fuck i affored to just jet off to new york for the weekend...some backstory:

in 2004 i graduated from the uofa as did my friend katie. katie got accepted to the mfa acting program at new school university in nyc (also houses parson's school of design if you're curious) and moved herself to new york. i visited her during thanksgiving of the same year. we watched a parade and drank our faces off.

then about a year ago i met a boy, got a little caught-up in good kisses and intimacy and some pretty strong feelings. he moved to the other side of the country and i was suppose to go for a visit. a few days before i was suppose to leave he tells me he didn't want me to come. the results were a broken/demolished heart and a credit with air canada.

so i had to use this credit by the booking date of my flight which was early june and since may is going to be full up with rehearsals i decided i needed to go asap. initially i was going to go to chicago for the weekend because i love it so much but it would have been an additional $200 as opposed to the extra $60 that i am required to pay for changing my flight. so nyc it was.

i hadn't planned on staying with katie because the last time we'd spoken she was living in jersey with her boyfriend and i wanted to be on manhanttan and whatever so i texted her and said, 'yo! i'm coming to nyc! wanna have a drink?' and she texted back saying, 'the bf and i broke up. i'm living in the east village! please come stay with me; i need a taste of home!' so it was set. how could i resist nyc at this point. I COULDN'T! so i booked my flight and i was set to go.

so the trip itself was rad. the last time i was in nyc i was really overwhelmed and i didn't totally love it but this time i was more familiar with it and knew where i was and where i was going and i knew where i wanted to go. i fell in LOVE LOVE LOVE with that goddamn city. it's amazing. it's unparalled. all the things people say about new york are true.

so i hear you wanted they are.

thursday april 20, 2006

4:10am: wake up and finish packing. i'm slightly hungover from sex talk and snazzy drinks with the girls but i'm excited. the hangover passes quickly.

i had to get up so early because i had to be at the airport before 5:30am and my dad was suppose to be picking me up 4:30.

4:45am: dad still hasn't arrived. i call him and he's forgotten to set his alarm. he tells me to take a cab to his place (half-way to the airport-in millwoods) and he'll pay the cab driver and then we'll go the airport.

5:00am: arrive at dad's. he pays the (really nice) cab driver and we leave.

5:20am: we arrive at the airport, pull up to air canada say our goodbyes and i check in. i have to automatic check-in, that's new, but it's easy so i'm happy. i then go through security and wait in the excruciatingly long line-up for a soy chai latte that tastes like dishsoap. i chuck it. i don't want to wait in that INSANE line whatever.

7:00am: my flight leaves on time and i am off to the tdot.

time sort of gets lost at this point. i sleep through my flight to toronto, go through customs, get a sandwich...wait. wait. wait. wait.

i get a little mad in toronto. i see this family. two girls and a boy. the girls are probably 8 and 11 at most and they're reading teen cosmo and teen vogue and teen people and talking about lipstick and celebrities. girls need to be girls. those magazine send such a scewed image of adolesence and those girls weren't looking at it critically and their mom was encouraging them...'oh yes daughter, that lipstick would look great on you!' SHE'S FUCKING EIGHT! let kids be kids and teach them to look critically at the media. just because it's published doesn't it make 'true' or right or a fair representation of life...

5:40pm: i arrive at new york's laguardia airport. laguardia is actually in queens but it's a short trip to manhanttan. so i call katie, get her address and decide to splurge on a taxi. the taxi driver takes the 'bridge route' to avoid the toll on the tunnel and so i get to see manhattan as we drive onto the island. it's amazing. it opens up before you like the mouth of the beast and you want nothing more than to crawl right in and get lost.

$26 later i arrive in the east village (avenue a and e. 5th st. to be exact)
to give a little perspective about where in nyc i am.
cbgb's is on bowrey and 2nd ave. (joey ramone ave)
avenue a is one block below 1st ave. bowrey is between 7th and 8th st. (i think).
so that's where i am. it's a fucking famous part of town.

6:20pm: katie's place. i get there just as she's getting home from school. she lives on the third floor of her building so we walk up the stairs. her apartment is TINY and expensive but i love it because when you look outside you see the back of buildings with fire escapes bolted to the ancient brick* and gardens and noise and the entire world below you.

katie and i just talk for the next couple of hours. or, katie talks for the next couple of hours. she's stressed as fuck about school and her ex boyfriend and her ex ex boyfriend and all things in general. katie is stress. it's the one thing i will never forget about her. drama personified.

all that talking makes us hungry so we decide to head out and find some supper.

9:00pm: we decide, after walking around alphabet city (below 1st ave) for a little while that we want indian food.

here's one of the many awesome things about new york: there is a whole street in the e. village of indian food restuarants. the managers stand outside and try to intice you into their restuarant.

we pick a tiny little place about half the size of cafe mosaics with the ceiling covered in streamers and mirrors and chili lights. it's cozy and red and smells like heaven. we eat pounds and pounds of food. we don't drink cuz we forget that most of those restuarants are byob (yep, byob) so we just chat and catch up more. we remember parties and who we had stupid makeouts and fights with. it's great to see her again.

11:00pm: we finish dinner and it's cheap (like $25 for the both of us...) and we walk around some more totally lost in chatting.

12:30am: we get back to katie's place. have a glass of wine and pass out. i'm exhausted after a day of travelling and her stress and wiped her out.

i do not sleep well.

friday, april 21, 2006.

11:00am: i wake up after a restless sleep and a little bit of a 'post-airplane ride' sniffle but i'm good to go. katie has school all day and rehearsal in the evening to i decide that my day is going to be taken up with art and theatre. yay!

12:00pm: i get on the subway and head to upper east side to go to the whitney museum of american art and i'm lucky because a) the last time i was there it was closed and b) they have their biennial on. the biennial showcases the best in current american art.

the really interesting thing about this year's exhibit, aside from the fucking amazing work, was that for the first time the whitney included artists who were not born in the united states but emmigrated to the states and have something to say about their experience relating to the 'american dream'.

i love that contemporary art never fails to remind me that artists are political beings. that art for art's sake is fine but to express dissent and question the world you live in is paramount. these artists question and fight and rally their collective voice against sexism, racism, war, hurt,'s amazing. i spent the afternoon inspired.

i also love the fact that these amazing visual artists are unafraid to mix media and to play with the tools of their craft. i wish theatre artists were more commited to collaboration with other (non theatre) artists and mixing media. we are so rooted and eaten up by tradition that we can't get out. i hate it!

(i wanted to post pics but the whitney website uses flash and i don't know how to copy flash into my blog...sorry)

so after the whitney i was totally inspired and fired up so i decided to go see a play. katie had told me a lot about a new adam rapp play called red light winter at the barrow street theatre in the west village. (lower west side).

6:oopm: leave the whitney and head to the subway. i head back downtown on a mission to get a $20 student rush ticket to the play, it's $65 otherwise. theatre in nyc ain't cheap! so i get downtown, get my ticket and realise i am fucking hungry!

6:30pm: i get a sandwich and some delicious iced tea at this lovely little deli in greenwich village and sit infront of the window looking out on bleeker street and people watch. i am falling more and more with new york in that exact moment. for the first time i realise that i could in fact, live in new york city. financially it isn't really possibly but artistically and emotionally i could do it. i felt good and safe and relaxed and full.

7:00-7:40pm: i grab a latte and walk around greenwich. i am in and out of record stores mostly and am completely overwhelmed. vinyl only, used only, electronic only, anything you want in the world can be found in new york. goldfrapp and stereolab seem to feature predominantly and i smile because i've heard of them. it makes the snob in me happy to know that bands i listen to and love are popular in new york hipster record stores too! god...i don't buy anything. there isn't time to really look. the play is starting!

8:00pm-10:30pm: red light winter by adam rapp plays at the barrow street theatre. i sit in the same audience with kathy bates. she is beautiful and no one approaches her. new yorkers are obviously used to seeing celebrities at the theatre or are just too cool to make a big deal about it. i just remembered katie telling me about congratulating phillip seymour hoffman on his oscar. ha ha.

so red light winter...coming from a sold out run at steppenwolf in chicago it was getting a lot of press in nyc and had an open run. that's cool but the play itself was only alright. i have a feeling it was getting a lot of hype for the sexual content and the 'grit'...the female actress seemed unfocussed and when she wasn't talking she looked like her mind was elsewhere, one of the two guys was underdeveloped but the third was amazing. i think the play suffered for the press and suffered for the fact that it was seen as being edgy and representative of the existential crisis faced by artists as they approach their 30s. the whole, 'peterpan' complex's cliche and we've all seen it; putting a cock on the stage isn't going to make all that much of a difference. it was still good though, just not THAT good.

11:30pm: there was a tonne of weird train things going on and i was suppose to meet katie nearby but she had a breakdown after seeing her ex with another girl so we met back up at her place, drank some wine, ordered some pizza and chatted. mostly i just witnessed katie's complete and total nervous break down complete with hysterics, embarassing text messages and declarations of, 'i'll never fall in love in again'.

3:30am: katie tired me out. i passed out. gah...

saturday, april 22, 2006

11:00am: wake up! katie has rehearsal from 2-4 but we both really want to go to see the munch exhibit at MoMA so we agree to meet up in front of the museum at 4 and then we'll check it out and then get some food and then go to a house party.

12:30-3: SHOPPING and walking.

so there's this fantastic little record store about 12 steps from katie's place that specializes in experimental electronic music and indie rock. etherea: damn sexy.

so i spend $100US on music. wanna know what i bought? this is, afterall, suppose to be detailed.

so here's the list. judge away, hipsters.

matias aguayo:are you really lost. kompakt
pitchfork doesn't really like and i heard this called 'micro-house' and i have no idea what that means. who cares, i dig this album hardcore. it's HOT, made for dancing and fucking and dark dark clubs.

tortoise: millions now living will never die. thrill jockey.
i know this is old. i know i should have got it a long time ago. i've never seen it in edmonton. granted i wasn't really looking that hard. tortoise makes me cry.

venetian snares: winnipeg is a frozen shithole. sublight records.
i just found out a venetian snares a little while ago whilst on the hunt for something insanely abrasive. venetian snares definately does that. but it grew on me. meathole was one of the best of 2005. i like this album. it's YUMMY!

deerhoof: the runners four. kill rock stars

ok...i'm sick of pseudo-reviews and editing html all over the place...i also got: stereo total's 'my melody', tortoise and bonnie "prince" billy's 'the brave and the bold' ('daniel' kills me. sick!), hella's 'bitches ain't shit but good company' and yeah, i think that's it. they're all wicked good albums so i chose well. oh yeah, and i got this tiny little mum ep but the dude forgot to put the cd in the case...fuck! i have to remember to email them and see if there's something to be done.

after cd shopping i wandered around the e. village, popped into bowrey tattoo out of curiosity-that's where the first 'skin' tattoo was done-a project that i am a part of- and then just mosied my through the east village towards the nyu area.

nyu isn't like the uofa. i don't really know why but i am sure it's the brownstones and the crack heads in washington square park but there is a totally different vibe. maybe it's cuz nyu doesn't reek of oil money and coke funding the way the uofa does...who knows. either way, i wish they had an mfa program in directing, but they don't... c'est la vie.

so i finish browing and katie calls me a little earlier than expected so i head down to meet her and we head uptown to the museum of modern art: MoMA for the Edvard Munch exhibit.

i don't know what to tell you. never have a i seen a more timely exhibit. Munch painted what he saw-not accurate naturalistic representations-but the heart of people and places and experience. he captured what few painters, in my humble opinion, were able to do-he painted the soul of the person as opposed to their face. "the scream" wasn't there, it was stolen and no one knows where it was but i didn't need to be there.

our world is so completely fucked up and every day it just seems to get worse and worse and it becomes hard to maintain any level of optimism. we're at a point in our collective existence when we sit and look out our windows and wonder how god couldn't be dead. how we're hanging on by anything more than a thread. our bodies are being held together by nothing more than skin. in an act of futile self-preservation we zone out even more, we lose ourselves in television and meaningless everything, and rely more on more on the things that ultimately are harming us. what the munch exhibit reminded me of is how lonely all of this is. we have nothing but each other because god is long dead, if he ever existed at all, and we're all wading through heartbreak and death and shit and all we can do is cling to each other and even then we're still pretty much fucked. it broke my heart and at the same time reminded me that i have people in my life who probably aren't going to stab me in the back for my last scrap of sanity or food or a joint or a beer or whatever.

and the other really cool thing: my friend katie, a fairly shallow albeit amazing girl, was moved to tears by munch. granted, it wasn't the looming global existential crisis that got her but her broken heart splashed all over munch's canvases; but it did something for her...

after the exhibit we went looking for jackson pollack because katie had never seen one but they weren't on display so we planted ourselve's down amongst the contemporary digital design exhibit and talked about art and politics and whether or not art for art's sake is a responsible position for an artist to take given the current state of affairs or whether we have a greater responsibility. we also had a really interesting discussion about politics in general. katie comes from oil money and her parents raised her to be very conservative in her political beliefs. for a time she was lending, all the way from calgary, her full support to bush and the war. we didn't talk about politics ever back then...if nothing else living in new york these past two years has really broadended her horizons and at almost 25 she's starting to find her own perspectives. the first thing to go? her support for the war. thank god!

anyways, after an amazing conversation we went for supper and then made our way to a house party one of her classmates was throwing.

here's the deal: the party was fun. it was a party. drinking, chatting, the usual. although, i was totally weirded out by the fact that not a single person at that party smoked weed or had any weed...weird...whatever. so it was a party. more specifically, it was a drama party and it was disheartening to discover that no matter where you go and no matter where you come from drama parties and drama kids (in theatre school) are all the same. i like to think that in my two years out in the 'real world' i have lost some of the 'drama kid'-isms i am sure i once possessed. i'm pretty sure of this because by 2:30am i NEEDED to leave.

seriously, the volume and the spectacle was too fucking much.

and i was a little disappointed because the lovely cadence weapon was playing a show in nyc on that same night and i wouldn't have minded checking it out but katie wasn't into it and she needed a friend. i couldn't in good conscience ditch her for rollie.

we got back to katie's about 3:30 and we chatted for a little while longer. mostly she raged about some of her classmates and her ex and all that shit i am so glad i left behind when i graduated and then we passed out.

oh, did i mention it was raining INSANELY hard? no, i don't think i did...between our walk to MoMA, the restuarant, and amy's house (the party hostess) we were soaked to the bone. everything i was wearing was wet and i shivered all night long...

the next morning was no different. rain! rain! rain!

sunday, april 23, 2006.

11:00am: wake up.

i have to be at the airport around 1:30 to flu home so katie and i decide to go for breakfast and celebrate a last rainy sunday. it take four blocks for me to find the BEST BREAKFAST i have ever had. we went to a place called magador (or something-it sounded like matador but wasn't) and we had:

- fresh squeezed oj made partly, i think, from blood oranges. it had a pinky tinge and tasted like europe. or at least italy and how i remember it.

- green salad.

- hashbrowns cut from organic red baby potatoes cooked just right.

- spinach, tomatoe and goatcheese omelette that was pretty much the greatest omelette i'd ever eaten in my entire life. not even pretty much, absolutely the best breakfast i'd ever had in my life.

i could live in new york for that breakfast alone.

st. mark's place between 1st and avenue a-if you're ever there.

1:45pm: i arrive at the airport, i sit and i wait and then i fly. i get home at 10 after stops in montreal and ottawa. ironic that at the end of all of it i still found myself in ottawa.

so that's that. i don't really know how to end this. as i write these last few lines almost two weeks since i got home i am feeling some tears and a little twinge of sadness and i don't know if the conversation i'm having with someone who i wish i knew better or if it's because we're talking about new york or if it's new york itself...all i know is i feel something and i kind of like it.

i'm altogether less overwhelmed by the whole thing, i suppose.

sorry this was so long.

love love love

*a prize to anyone who tells me where i stole that line from.