Friday, July 22, 2005

too much of a good thing?

when do you reach that point where you have to back off and wait for that good thing to come to you? if you've had it once and it was good and you want it again it's not silly to ask for it again is it? the menu never said this is a one time offer...

...but what if it was? what if you had this great thing and you want it again but you can't have it but you didn't know you couldn't have it. would you have stretched out the experience? savoured it more.

now you're stuck wondering: was it me? did the restuarant close and i wasn't made aware? was i too quick, should i have taken more time perusing the options?

oh maybe you've become overzealous worrying about appearing overzealous. maybe you just need to learn to let things play out. the restuarant isn't closed, you just don't need to eat there everyday.

still, i wish it was falafel friday every day...


p.s. two sleeps til tortoise! have a GREAT weekend!

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