Thursday, July 13, 2006

drunk rage.

gah, i'm fucking pissed off. and drunk. but mostly pissed fucking off.

i HATE feeling like i was used. like the time i spent on cultivating a frienship was wasted time. god, why even bother if months later you're not ever going to look twice at me and your hello's are done out of politeness and a sense of obligation.

fuck that shit.

seriously, it's hot, i'm tired and i have NO fucking patience for you or your bullshit.

i guess my hellos are cursory too but fuck, i respond to what i'm given and i thought we were friends...


Anonymous said...

OUCH! I'd hate to be on the receiving end of this post.

Gloria said...

I look twice at you. Hell, I sometimes look three and four times, you sexy bitch you.