Monday, October 30, 2006

the cynic.

adore me?

fuck you! you can't adore me. you don't even know me.

adoration is so silly anyways. love me or hate but don't waste my time (or your own) adoring me.

what you feel for me is hardly adoration. you look down your nose at me like a silly child and i let you because i know what game you're playing. you and i both get off on it darling so i'll let it continue but don't fool yourself into thinking that i don't know how it really is.

you look so cute after you've lost it all over my face but it's the meaness in you i like. it's the meaness that keeps you in my life.

the way i figure it we're both pretty stupid.

but you don't adore me, so don't be so fucking glib about it all.

a verbal slap across the face makes us both feel better.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

n 1: a feeling of profound love and admiration [syn: worship] 2: the act of admiring strongly [syn: idolization, idolisation] 3: worship given to God alone

So according to #3 you could take it as though you're a God, or goddess rather... ;)