Sunday, October 15, 2006


that's the big news.

and the next step i suppose.

according to the bme encyclopedia:
Cutting is one of the two most common types of scarification (see also: Skin Removal). Cutting consists of drawing a predefined design on the skin via usage of a surgical blade or scalpel. Cutting for negative emotional reasons is considered self-harm.

let's repeat that: cutting for negative emotional reasons is considered self-harm.

that's not what we're getting up to here. i'm getting cut for really positive reasons.

some back story:
i've got some tattoos and some piercings, i'm no longer scared off things based on pain alone.

ryan my fantastic piercer posted a bulletin on myspace that he was learning how to do scarification and wanted some living breathing people to cut open for a reasonable price (scarification is usually HELLA expensive) and i got curious. i didn't decided right away that i was going to do it. i did a bunch of research and went in and talked to ryan, looked at the scapel, and finally decided i was down, or up, or whatever. the thing is, i really trust ryan. he's had needles and hands on all the most intimate parts of my body and never once have i felt uncomfortable or have i been put in needless pain or felt pressured to do anything i didn't want to do. i got my hood pierced cuz i wanted it and now i'm doing this cuz i want it.

and it is a postive thing. life leaves scars on our body so we may as well embrace them and make them our own and embrace life's power to leave it's mark. yes, i'm pushing it a step forward but it's exciting.

i'm also super stoked on the artwork. i'm getting three sparrows (traditional american tattoo style) on my left thigh. in my research i came to discover that sparrows were awarded to sailors based on the distance they had travelled. each sparrow tattoo was equivalent to 5000 nautical miles travelled.

three sparrows=15 000 nautical miles.

no, i haven't travelled 15 000 nautical miles in my 25 years on this planet but fuck, life's a journey and triangles are a nice shape. : ) i may as well document the journey however long it's going to end up being.

it's an adventure.

got questions? ask me and don't make assumptions about my emotional state or a love of pain...

i told a former sexual partner of mine about it and he told me he'd come and cut me up for free if i all wanted to get hurt. that's bullshit. fucking pissed me off. this is going to be a really intense and positive experience for me and i just want people to understand that. i'm not asking you to do it to or even like that i'm doing it. keep your fucking judgements to yourself and if you've got questions, ask me. i'll answer them as best i can.

much love on this fine evening.



What Sarah Said said...

Michelle! Just read your myspace blurb about wanting to do Bam Margera. And you know what? ME FUCKIN' TOO! UNGHHHHHHH! Since, like, forever. Can I celebrate this by linking your blog to mine?

michelle. said...

yes! please do!

god love the internet! how do we connect?!