Wednesday, March 30, 2005


alrighty kids, this is my third fucking post third post in the last oh...2 hours if we wanna get all hair-splitty and specific...which i, of course, want to.

so, in this third post i want to rant and rave a little about a couple of things that are bugging me. two of the three things were bugging me yesterday and then i got the article i posted in the last post (still believe in free speech?) this morning and my annoyance was cemented. the third thing is something that never fails to annoy but because of all this anarchist propaganda i have been feeding myself over the last few days it has been filtered through a little differently...the connection may be a little loose so bear with me.

first off...don't you love that term anarcho-hipster? ...i read it this morning amongst the anarchist propaganda i was reading this morning. oh, and i when i use the word propaganda i am implying none of the negative connotations often associated with that's just a good word!

let's get this show on the road...

1) a friend of mine sent me an email about his easter weekend. as it turns out a friend of his was in town from vancouver and he had been suppose to meet up with her after the anarchist bookfair but while she was there her bag was stolen...

yep, you read that right

her bag was stolen at the ANARCHIST book fair!! talk about irony hey? maybe i missed that class in anarchy 101 but aren't we suppose to steal from the capitalist mechanism and not from members of our own community?

2) another friend of mine, louise (, a student of edumacation, was asked to write a PERSONAL REFLECTION about how she feels she can use the resources of the educational system to best teach her class. she PERSONALLY REFLECTED that she felt that she would be unable to be an effective teacher because her personal political beliefs run counter to the traditionally conservative educational system. she PERSONALLY REFLECTED that she felt that she was incapable of teaching both within the system and the system itself because she was not comfortable going against her own beliefs...way to go louise! anyhow, louise then received a telephone call from her professor requesting that she redo her PERSONAL REFLECTION paying closer attention to the topic...she read me the topic and she did the assignment the way she was suppose to... i suggested to louise that she send the following email...

dear professor moron,

case in point.

thanks for turning me into a hypocrite!

fuck off and die!

with love,

but...she needs to pass the class so that may not be the best option. but jesus christ...aren't our universities suppose to be the last bastian of progressive thought in our current almost neo-fascist province? i guess the faculty of education hopes that by sucking up to ralph klien that they might be able to get some more money...not fucking likely kids, aren't there some trips he needs to take or some other public service that needs privatization? stop kissing ass and being assholes and support your students and their critical thinking abilities...besides, isn't university a time to experiment? i am sure this socialism thing is just a fad for most of them anyways; like binge drinking and lesbian sex...

and lastly, and this is where you all probably have to bear with me for a moment...

ever have one of those days at work where if you had a gun you wouldn't waste time killing yourself, you'd just kill other people? i am having one of those days...actually, now that it's the afternoon and the sun is shining i am feeling a bit better but this morning...holy fuck was i ever not pleased!

but anyways, in my annoyance i started to allow all the other things that were annoying me to bubble up to the surface and explode all over the floor with the car-soap mess that was already mixed in quite well and you couldn't tell it was there...

so, here's what i am REALLY and specifically annoyed about...

i have recently become friends with this amazing guy i am working on a show with. he's funny, cute, brilliant, and loves to go record shopping...all good right. the only bad thing is that he continuously feels compelled to inform me that he is doubly marginalized because he comes from a working-class home and is gay.


not, bullshit because he's marginalized-because he is-but bullshit because it is said with an air of 'this actually makes me better than you...more adept at cogent marxist analysis...and makes you, middle-class white girl, culpable for all that has gone wrong in my life..."


yes, i was born into a family where eventually both my parents worked...while this does equal middle-class this doesn't equal happy well-adjusted family life free of worry and it doesn't make me culpable for all your woes, it doesn't make you better than me, and it doesn't shape who i am...we cannot choose the life we are born into...we can only choose what we do with it. he needs to open his eyes and look at the ways things are now and the person that i ACTUALLY am...i have no money, i'm an artist, and i am as politically involved as i feel comfortable being and i am always working on ways to be more involved...

of course i could me more active but i feel like i know where my allegiances lie but i lack the basic knowledge to 'join the club'...whatever, i am not making excuses, but there is nothing i detest more in someone, someone who i am essentially on-side with, is that 'more hard-core-than-thou' attitude... i love you dude but fuck off with thinking you're better than me because you're gay or working class or whatever...

oh, and you wanna feel marginalized...try being a girl working in the automotive industry...

and fuck...i am a woman...i am historically as marginalized as you asshole!

anyhow, that's all she wrote today...

or at least i hope so.

xo alice.

p.s. i didn't mean any offense with the little rant at the end of this post...i just get really annoyed at that kind of attitude; and i can't stand sitting at the bar with someone (who can afford to drink when i can't) tell me how poor they were and i can't ever understand what it's like because my parents worked and my family was all happy and well adjusted when they don't know me well enough to make those kind of blanket statements...ugh.


Anonymous said...

.... you don't have to justify! I won't tell!!
coffee-- sunday night MAYBE?
email or call me!

michelle. said...

yes nigel...i'd make random comments...and sometimes they just find you.
xx a