Saturday, April 09, 2005

dear kevin


don't feel like a jerk but i wrote a semi-largeish section (15+ pages) of my honours essay (undergrad thesis) that was a saussurian reading of punk fashion and how, through a revamp of the sign systems it has become co-opted into mainstream conciousness and is no longer subversive...

not to be a snob but it just made me laugh because i LOVE semiotic theory! hee hee...

xo alice.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Sweet! I knew you had your act together! I'd love to read your paper - I'm sure you know way more about the whole business than I do.

The funny part is that I also once wrote a short essay entitled "A Diachronic Study of Punk" exploring the assimilation of Punk fashion, only it was for a freshman writing class. As I was barely literate at the time, it is really a study in crap.

Not that I'm literate now, either.

Anyway, I'm glad to know that there are like-minded people out there. You should post the paper or email it or something...