Sunday, May 15, 2005

me and martha

me, lousie, martha wainright and an ounce.

man, i cannot fucking waste (or...WAIT...jesus!) for folk fest!!

august it too far away!



michelle. said...

p.s. i have rekindled my LOVE of stereolab and i wish they were coming to folkfest...

Anonymous said...

Man, I cannot waste for FolkFest either!

Oh no. I meant to say I can't WAIT for FolkFest. Haha

michelle. said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry bout that. I'm an English major (and an asshole). It's a deadly combination.

PS There's another typo. Haha.

michelle. said...

FolkFest? jeff, i don't capitalize...

ack! i don't what it is.

the grammar and spelling police catch me everytime!!

bingofuel said...

every time is two words, not one.

Anonymous said...

It's the part that goes:
august it too far away!

I'm totally the grammar police. I'm preeeeeeeeeeetty sure everyone hates me.