Wednesday, January 18, 2006

so llewelyn's comment read something like this:

michelle, if you're talking about that shithead who's always mean to you until he wants to sleep with you? cuz if it is i say take your own advice and don't have anything to do with him. you're a princess and you should only be with people who treat you like a princess. and you're the co-founder of awesometown...treat yourself as such.

and if it's someone else than call.

it's the shithead. i'm a shithead because i want to spend my time with someone who's a shithead.

me: are you coming to my brunch?
him: nope. i have to work. (somewhere he uses a diminuitive like miss or doll)
me: oh
him: and besides, i'm not vegan. but mostly i have to work.
me: no, i said vegetarian. only one of my friends is vegan. i'm not so.
me: ...but if you have to work...
him: i could try and juggle but i haven't been so good at that lately.

and then some bullshit about balls dropping and me making a comment of how deliberately vague i felt he was being.

if you don't want to do something, say so. say "sorry michelle, i don't want to hang out with you." "thanks for the invite but i'm not interested". something like that. instead of talking about being straight up just be. straight up. with me.

i'm sick of this shit. this is the breaking point. vegans. work. work! ha! the kid can take time out his afternoon to fuck me when he likes but come over to spend some time with a supposed friend. ha!

i know. i know. you're thinking that i'm just one of those girls: "says she can fuck someone and not get attached. look, she's attached. told you so..." and i am attached. but not because of the sex. it was the moments in between. the moments when you think you're friends.

god, why am i even talking about this?
because i'm a shithead. and because of other things that i'm not ok with talking about on el blogo.


1 comment:

Llewellyn said...

I would say that "I warned you..." but you know that already so c'est la vie. :)
And I know that it's not the sex, it's the in-between... isn't it always?
Is he your true love?
Will you shrivel up and die without him?
Will he be lost in sorrow without you?
Uh... sorry... but no.

But I will! Love me instead!
Yeah awesometown!