Monday, May 16, 2005

combination word of the day: slack-ass

so, the frequent readers of this here blog know that i recently started my own theatre company with a friend. well, this friend doesn't do any work at all and i no longer feel guilty about swiping the 'artistic director' title from under her nose. shit, i'd call her the 'slack-ass spoiled actor' director...ha ha...tash, i am kidding of course.

i shouldn't say that because she is doing as much as she's able. that's the thing about us doing this the way we are (without grants and stuff) because it means we all still have to work...i have a slack-ass job and can do whatever i please (like blog).

anyhow, as part of the "sponsorship package" i have to write out a brief synopsis of the play and an explanation about why this play is appropriate for our company, why i chose it, means i have to be equal parts pretentious and passionate; with a nice chunck of ewww thrown in for good measure.

so, i worked on it last night and ended up writing about jeff tweedy and wilco being awesome and today this (in all is shit-tastic glory) is what i came up with.

*note: the writing is BAD, i know. don't comment on the BAD writing. this is merely to reflect that i have an extremely slack-ass job and that i am procrastinating like crazy! *

By George F. Walker

Questions of who we are and our place in the world are common when we’re nineteen. This isn’t something special reserved for rich kids or poor kids; kids with access to post secondary education or kids without. It is the condition of the almost adult. When I was nineteen I felt stuck between adulthood and knowing that it wasn’t far off I resisted, getting stuck for a time, in the in-between.

So when I sat down to read plays for our new company where the oldest person involved is only 29, I couldn’t help but choose “Tough!” because we all know, if not specifically, the plight of these characters.

Ok, so I still hate doing this shit and I am still procrastinating and still have nothing worth saying about why I want to do this play.

Why? Why? Why? Blah blah blah fucking blah…who cares!! Who’s gonna give me money because I can write something intelligent about this play.

What’s this thing even about? It’s about three otherwise completely and blandly average thrown into an extreme situation and are forced to deal with it. It isn’t the trite fucking teen after school drama thing that people often make it out to be. Teen pregnancy does not equal moralizing don’t have sex before marriage or else you’re fucked…at least not in this play.

BAH! I don’t care. All I want to do right now is sleep. Honestly, I just want to sleep for like an hour, go for a run, masturbate, shower and then maybe watch some television. I slept very little last all that too much to ask.

I guess so!


so, bask in my crap and hopefully i will get some ACTUAL work done of this thing at some point before the end of the day!



Kevin said...

I've only been able to do blog-stuff sporadically lately, so I missed the announcement of your fancy new theatre company. Congrats! That's really awesome. I'd definitely come see your plays.

By the way, shit-tastic is a great word. I also like ass-tastic.

The closest I've come to being involved with theatre is the pit, but I know enough to realize that you have a ton of hard work in front of you. Good luck, and enjoy it!

Gloria said...

dude...just send it in like truthful.