Tuesday, May 31, 2005

ever heard of gucci?

just before i leave for lunch this afternoon i was visited by the ultimate in retail nastiness: the door-to-door salesman!

the door swings open and in walks a young man around 6'2'' with gorgeous chocolate brown skin and jet black hair. in his hands he carries 4 boxes.

man: hi! how are you today? gorgeous outside isn't it? now, i know you're probably not going to want any of this shit but bear with me ok...ok, so this first thing here, i don't have a fucking clue what it's for. i'm east indian we don't have anything like this but shit, you may know what it's for. usually they sell for $40 but i am willing to give you the four i've got left for $40 bux you just gotta hit me up with the gst.

ok, first of all dude, BREATH! although, i am sure he knew that if he took the time to take a breath that i would tell him to leave. second, i obviously don't have a problem with swearing (obviously) however, this dude doesn't know this and it's totally rude to swear around someone without first assertaining whether or not they are offended by it.

michelle: ok.

man: alright, how many people in your family?

michelle: uh...2?

man: alright, well you see this gorgeous games set. head over to dufferin and this thing'll run ya about $120 right? *i shrug* well, i am willing to offer the two of them to you for $85. there's a catch though.

michelle: oh yeah?

man: yeah, you gotta hit me up with the gst.

i say nothing, i have nothing to say about his tacky ass shit.

man: alright, you got a boyfriend?

michelle: nope.

man: girlfriend?

michelle: nope.

man: ha ha, you wouldn't believe how many people are bisexual. i always ask that as a joke and you wouldn't believe how many people are like, 'yes...'

he then proceeds to laugh at his own 'joke' for like 25secs. i sort of chuckle with confusion and just stand there.

man: alright, you ever heard of gucci?

michelle: yes.

man: well these watches are gucci's brother company and they usually sell for $100US and $125 canadian. my boss wants me to get rid of them at $120 each. alright, how many women do you know?

michelle: a lot?

man: alright, well take a look at these? which one is your favourite?

i look in a box full of some of the ugliest watches i have ever seen...y'know the ones with the heart-shaped faces?

michelle: to be honest, none of them. they aren't really my style. look at my watch.

i show him my watch: black face and band, 1" thick. simple. no heart-shaped faces here.

man: hey, that's cool. well alright, my boss is going to give which ever one of us comes back with all of our merchandise sold and $1000 bux in his pocket $500 towards our tuition. now, i'm a student and that'll make a huge dent so here's what i am going to do for you. which watch was your favourite.

michelle: none of them.

man: can you think of anyone who'd like them as a gift.

michelle: no.

man: do you think you could turn around and sell them?

michelle: no.

man: alright, you've convinced me. here's what i am going to do for you but keep this deal a secret ok. i am going to give you these two boxes of watches, that's 8 watches, for $45 bux and you can do with them as you please.

michelle: look dude, i am going to be honest with you. i am student too and just don't have money for that kind of stuff.

man: alright, what are you taking?

michelle: drama

man: ah, well how do i know this isn't an act.

my slight laugh tells him to fuck off.

man: well, you shouldn't leave your check sitting out.

exuent loser stage right.

(as he leaves) man: is this your beemer?

michelle: do i look like a can afford a BMW.

he shrugs and looks confused

michelle: no. it isn't mine.

and then just as the door is about to close behind him and all his useless shit and ugly watches he catches a customer on his way into the shop.

man: hey there! you ever heard of gucci?

fucking people!


Kevin said...

Ha! This post reminds me of a recent run-in I had with a pair of Mormon missionaries.

"Hi there. What do you know about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?"
"I'm not interested, thanks!"
...(more babble by them, me brushing them off)...
"But are you aware of the role the church can play in your life?"
"Yes. My father was Mormon, and it really fucked him up. I think Mormonism is a crazy cult."

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, that was great.

Awesome. Some dude called me the other day to do a survey about 'beverages' (seriously). I said "I don't really have the time for this". Guy: "Oh. Well, when would be a better time to call back?" Me: "Never would be GREAT". Click.