Sunday, May 01, 2005

i have made some decisions


this evening after drinks with nigel i made some decisions:

1: people who drive chrysler 300's are assholes. i tried not to make such a value judgement but every person i have seen driving one of those huge motherfuckers has been an asshole. i wish it weren't the case but it is.

2: this crush on my little jewish dj/promoter/all round sex machine music nerd is getting a little out of hand and i can't figure out how he knows who i am...i have only been to see him dj twice. hmmm...maybe more backstory is required...i might post more later...we'll see. (and yes i do have to mention that he's jewish...i have fetishized jewish culture and have a thing for jewish boys. it may not be right but it is the way it is...)

3: i am so happy to have people in my life that make me happy! nigel, louise, rachel, kyla, lindsay, my matter what happens to me as far life shit goes i will have them and that's awesome!

4: i love that someone i don't know reads this and has great things to say about it. kevin's awesome and has been keeping me thinking lately! (he's linked: kevin does math...check it out!)

5: i am volunteering at the fair trade fair on friday and i am excited...i hope to learn a lot and will hopefully meet some cool people. admittedly real hard core activists intimidate me just because i'm not at their 'level' or whatever...i know it's bullshit but it is what it is.

and finally,

6: there is SOOOO much amazing music and art out here in this world and this city alone that i will never understand why people always reach for the easiest and basest thing...because it's easy i suppose and because we're indoctrinated at a young age not to think for ourselves but...
anyhow, it's 2:03 am and i could go on about this forever so...

anyhow, i suppose those things aren't really decisions persay-more thoughts and proclaimations but whatever...




Kevin said...

Hi! I read something today that made me think of our discussions. It's an exerpt from a William Gibson novel set sometime in the future. Two people are discussing the current state of society.

"Bohemias. Alternative subcultures. They were a crucial aspect of industrial civilization in the two previous centuries. They were where industrial civilization went to dream. A sort of unconscious R&D, exploring alternate societal strategies. Each one would have a dress code, characteristic forms of artistic expression, a substance or substances of choice, and a set of sexual values at odds with those of the culture at large. And they did, frequently, have locales with which they became associated. But they became extinct."
"We started picking them before they could ripen. A certain crucial growing period was lost, as marketing evolved and the mechanisms of recommodofication became quicker, more rapacious. Authentic subcultures required backwaters, and time, and there are no more backwaters. They went the way of geography in general."

Pretty fucking astute, huh?

Anyway, the book is "All Tommorow's Parties", by William Gibson, but if you're going to read it, read "Pattern Recognition" and "Idoru" first.

I'm glad to hear you enjoy our discussion. Fair trade is where it's at too - but don't let these "real" activists intimidate you. If they live where you live, they've got no right to preach moral superiority. EVERYONE should struggle with the hypocracy of being an activist in our society; being "hard-core" doesn't exempt them.

Sounds like you're in a positive mood. Sweet! Hold on to that thought.

Gloria said...

MItch- You are spot on with those 300s...a dinkhead driving one cut me off on the Whitemud today. What a prick. I hope gas becomes so expensive that they won't be able to fill their tanks, and you can zoom by and laugh in your more efficent Saturn. VROOMMMMMMMMMMMM!

michelle. said...

kevin: i will post this publically because 'pretty fucking astute' doesn't begin to describe.

louise: fuck em i say! maybe they need some stickers. sadly my little saturn is becoming less and less fuel efficient the older she gets.

fred&wilma: thanks a bunch...your blog never fails to um...wet my appetite...

Kevin said...

Umm...I second that. F&W, your blog is hot.

As an academic, I struggle constantly with the issue of over-testing. It often comes down to the simple fact that our society no longer views education and knowledge as intrinsically good for human developement; we only value it as a means to an end - getting a job or making a product. We've commodified education rather than viewing it as an essential ingredient for a fulfilling, dignified, and humane life.

Wow...i'm just blabbering on tonight.