Wednesday, June 22, 2005

in praise of road construction

or, i should say, in praise of construction that, as a side affect, affects the road...

a lot of people in our fair city of edmonton (deadmonton?) would probably agree with me that the city does little to maintain either itself of its infrastructure that it claims to be so proud of; however, it's summer time and summer time means construction and a feigned concerned for the places we spend our time.

of all of the measures of summertime resoration the one i hate the most is road constuction. i hate when they rip up the freeway and when they spend hours blocking my home by widening the road or whatever...drives me batty!

but i promised praise for road construction right? so, there is a major intersection in edmonton (170th st. and 100th ave for those of you that live here) that has been ripped apart for what feels like a year (in fact, i think it has been a year) and there seems to be no end in sight. well, i'd been super pissed at the city for this little backup for the past year until today. i got stopped there again this afternoon and actually read the sign that says what they're doing.


i love them for that! i don't know about you but i am not so into driving along and having shit suddenly explode forth from the sewer and land all over my car.

you can't get rid of that smell...ever!

so, i love the city of edmonton for making sure that shit can't explode forth all over my car; otherwise, i hate them.

fuck the lrt!
xo michelle.


Anonymous said...

tchuss. i am tlistentingt two frantsz furdenannd and i am goink krayzee with this mad silence slhuh?

Anonymous said...

oh, how i miss edmonton and its shit smell...

Anonymous said...

That's very optimistic of you, Michelle. Personally I just cuss out anyone or thing that remotely slows me down.

bingofuel said...

In defense... well, not in defense of road construction, because I hate the inconvenience, too. But please slow down in these zones, kids. My lil bro works on a road construction crew, and he's more useful to me alive than dead.

michelle. said...

not to worry thomas, i always try to be safe and if it annoyance was measured as a ratio my swearing and steering wheel hitting would outweigh my speeding through construction zones.