Monday, June 06, 2005

so what if this is emo!

i know i promised that i wouldn't create any more whiney emo posts but fuck kids, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

i met someone recently, someone amazing. one of the best people i've ever met, easily.

the shitty thing is i have fallen in love with this person and he's leaving, tomorrow...for a city full of nothing besides politicians and war memorials three provinces away.

i feel so terrible: sad, and sick, and tears are never more than two seconds away...

it's been a long time since i have been this desperate for tomorrow never to arrive.



Anonymous said...

Ah yes.....I have now sworn off girls for a while. Life is easier when you don't have that stuff going on. In fact, I can just drink and annoy everyone. Much easier.

michelle. said...

i just drink and that annoying?