Sunday, June 19, 2005

stuck in traffic

photo of the day is below.

i know i should post something of substance but i'm feeling a little emotionally ravaged right now so all i've got is this.

i took this photo one day when i was stuck sitting on gateway blvd.

anyone who can guess what kind of car i drive will win a prize.

seriously, i promise a prize!

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wow, that's BIG!

meh, have a good one kids.

xo michelle.


Anonymous said...

First guess: Cavalier.
Second guess: Sunfire.

It's one of those two cuz they're the exact same. What do I win?

michelle. said...

ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Fuck.
Um....Ford Focus. Toyota Echo.

Gloria said...

It`s a SATURN....BITCHES!!!!

Where`s my fucking prize?

michelle. said...

louise is ABSOLUTELY correct...although she did have an unfair advantage having been in my car a number of times and NAMING it...

the prize is going to have been something totally be honest, i hadn't thought of one but i will now and i assure you miss'll rock the fucking house!

Anonymous said...

You drive a Saturn?

Do the plastic panels melt when it gets hot? I could rant on Saturns too, but I won't cuz they serve the purpose of a car - they get you around.

michelle. said...

what the fuck is wrong with a saturn? and no, the plastic doesn't melt...ha ha...but you know what is rad? when you get really mad you can kick them hard and not cause any damage...

Gloria said...

But when they hit Audi station wagons, they do cause damage.


What an anal bumfuker.

michelle. said...

sorry...jesus, i said i was sorry like a million times...



Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, awesome.

An Audi??? MUST BE NICE, moneybags.

michelle. said...

jeff, i HIT an audi! money bags?!
ha ha!