Sunday, October 30, 2005

i learned something new this morning...

...the way to a boy's cock is not by making fun of his musical tastes.

i 'met' this boy. a man actually, he's 32. and we sort of talked about getting together to fuck.

so i was talking with him on msn and we got into a discussion about music. bad move right? buddy has never heard of tom waits. red flag right? TOTALLY!

next big red flag:

michelle: what kind of music DO you listen to then?
boy: hard rock and country
michelle: hard rock?
boy: nick, staind, default, seether, etc...


ok. i am a huge SNOB! this admission made me not want to fuck him. that's terrible. i am a terrible person. A TERRIBLE human being. oh god.

but on the other hand, maybe it's a clue. maybe it's telling me that he lacks creativity or that he's unwilling to step out of the box that some tells him he's suppose to be in.

or, i am just terrible!

god, i need to work on this. and i think my first step will be fucking the nickleback fan.

xxx m.


Anonymous said...

holy crap. i'm missing out on all the dirt!

Anonymous said...

That's a bad idea. I bet if you fuck him, he'll come to your door and serenade you all "THIS IS HOW YOU REMIND ME" style.

Don't pretend you don't know what song that is.