Monday, November 07, 2005

'punk' music videos suck!

ha ha! this post has nothing to do with that but seriously, why is it that in every video from some band that some record company has decided is 'punk' (ie: simple plan) are there all these punk kids used as the symbol for disaffected youth? like somehow eyeliner and suicide spikes are symbols of unhappiness. there must be more interesting ways to discuss teen angst than some cute little girl in combat boots sitting on an old couch in an alley looking sad and wearing a lot of eyeliner...god, isn't there?

anyways, the point of this post:

i am sick to death of the negative energy that people seem to relish in! ok, so i know i am not always the most positive person in the room but i attempt to not start every conversation with some generalized negative statement! it's too much for me to deal with at this point. i have been in a funk and i have been letting it get the better of me but i'm getting over it and i have NO patience for people who insist on bringing me down...

...and bringing other people down too!

oh, and please do not decide that you hate my friends based on the three times (and odd contexts) which you met them. if you gave people a chance to be awesome they'd probably prove themselves to be so...don't you think? i think!

let the chips fall where they may and if your saturday night doesn't evolve quite as you hoped it would take it in stride and maybe you'll have more fun than you expected, i know i did!

this is vague, i know. i don't feel like clarifying. there isn't a need for it.

the point is is that i had a great time on saturday night with two lovely people who are quickly becoming two of my favourite people and i refuse to let the negative attitudes of others ruin a good evening for me! you do your thing, and i'll do mine and it'll be good that way...right?

p.s. remember world, attractiveness is subjective and just because i think someone is cute doesn't mean you have to. nor does it mean that you have to tell me every six seconds how not cute that person is and then suggest that i'd rather hang out with them than you...cuz you know what, eventually i am going to want to hang out with them rather than you! cute or not!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatever. We're all just gonna die anyways.

me being negative for the purposes of humor