Thursday, February 24, 2005

the tattoo saga pt. 4

so, it continues...

i went to ink machine this afternoon to meet with danny and lemme tell you...i am pumped! we had a good chat about what i want and how he'll be able to do that. we had an intense discussion about shading and how to keep it looking good and dynamic as it was cool. he asked if i wanted the angel in-flight or just about to take off...the difference being in her torso and legs: because if she was in-flight her legs might be kind of droopy and fairylike and if she was about to take off they would be a lot more grounded...i opted for grounded...

...the more we talked the more excited i got and from what i hear danny is the one of the BEST tattoo artists in western canada (which is awesome...) and probably the best in edmonton. the only two drawbacks to going to the best is that it's a bit more expensive ($125/hr. compared to $100/hr at ritualistics) and it takes forever to get an late summer/early fall...c'est la vie!

i was thinking about getting something else done in the meantime by michelle at ritualistics but there really isn't anything i want...although, michelle has got this new black light (hot pink) sensitive pigment in so i may get her to do some stars on my hand after the wedding...or before, we'll see...just because hot pink/black light sensitive tattoos would be fuckin' rad.

on the upside of waiting for danny...not only is he good but he's also pretty fucking gorgeous...looks a bit like johnny depp to be honest...very similar features and build...

oh, and apprentice boy was there and not wearing a hoodie this time...nope, tight hot (but not cheesy) t-shirt and damn! sexy!!

anyhow, the saga continues...i am getting touched up on the first so i'll have something to add then and maybe we'll see about the stars then... and there will be some piercing before as well...

go body modification...bring on the needles!

xo alice.

p.s. wanna see how fucking amazing danny's work is...go to

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