Tuesday, February 15, 2005

what kind of vd did you have?

valentines day that is...

get your minds out of the gutter...alice has never had vd in her life...at least not that she's aware of...

wait, why am i talking in the third person? because it's the cool thing to do...ha ha!

so, yesturday was valentines day and i admit i woke up and puked a little in my mouth. i'm single and i don't like valentines. the two aren't related but they seem to be smushed together by all those "rub in yer face" lovies...y'know the chicks who think you feel bad about being single and tell you, 'don't worry, you're prince will come...'

jesus fuck ladies! my life isn't a goddamn disney movie and i like it that way...i'd prefer if my prince never came, princes' exploit human capital and have imperialist tendencies...i'd prefer you say, 'don't worry, your comrade in arms will come...' and even then...

but here's the problem...all vd i wanted my prince to come. i wanted to answer the phone or open an email and have some boy whom i wasn't expecting to be declaring his love for me on the most romantic day of the year...sure, there's one boy in particular i would have liked to have been on the otherside of that wish...well two actually but the first was probably lost in emoland composing lame-ass songs about broken hearts and sunday mornings to the girl he chose over me...or didn't choose i suppose, i wasn't an option...

i digress...it's pathetic i know but...even if it was my musician crush (eep...they're both musicians) who isn't all emo...i wouldn't have shed a happiness tear...

but that didn't happen. he did email me though, the non-emo musician - the musician to whom all my hideous emo rantings have NOT been dedicated- but only because i sent him a passive aggressive guilt trip email for acting like a hipster prick...his email was really nice though and i think he figured out that i was mad...good thing he's shy and equally passive aggressive...

i guess i just figured out why no one wants to give me vd...

here's to redundancy!
xo alice.

p.s. pink and red don't clash see...
p.p.s. spell check wants to change emoland to emolliant...ha hha hahaha

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