Wednesday, August 03, 2005

joanna newsom makes me smile!

her voice is just so incredible.

anyhow, that is not the point of what i wanted to say...

dear everyone who isn't me and perhaps five or six other people,

please do not leave your homes. the world, despite what you may think, does not revolve around you, and you are starting to invade my personal living space.

i cannot walk or drive without you almost killing me. i cannot sleep without you drunkenly screaming outside my window. i cannot buy a tea without you rudely ripping the money from my hand and i cannot enjoy life without your awkward presence all around me.

just fuck off, watch where you're driving and walking and running and cycling and yelling and if you're having a bad day at your lousy job please try and remember that i might also have had a lousy day at a lousy job.

the world, asshole, does NOT revolve around you and until you figure that out it's probably better if you stayed indoors.

with love,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's RIGHT, motherfuckers.

It revolves around ME.