Monday, August 08, 2005

summer lovin' had me a blast!

music and sunshine...what more could a girl want...


so this past weekend i lost my virginity.

my folk fest virginity...get your mind out of the gutter...

a weekend of sunshine, good friends, random people i haven't seen for ages and surprises of the musical variety.

some of the real highlights for me were not what i expected (ie: the weakerthans) but those whom i hadn't expected: oscar lopez, wendy mcneill, danny michel, thea gilmore, eliza gilkerson (sp?), and josh ritter. josh ritter was so cute and a fantastic singer/songwriter who laughs a little too long at his own jokes and plays really well written songs...i totally dug his shit.

my love martha wainwright and the fantastic steve earle were as to be expected: fantastic!

oh, and ryan adams: when he wasn't being an asshole or jerking off with ten minute guitar solos...he was GREAT!

the thing that i really love about all these fesitvals (even warped tour) is that there you are walking around with your green onion cakes when suddenly you bump into someone you haven't seen for months. someone you like, someone it's always fun to bump into. you chat and you catch up and you promise to call and you know you never will but you know that just when you're thinking about calling them you bump into them.

so cool caitlin, it was good to see you. i am sure we'll chat at fringe...

while there two other things struck me:

1) i want to get the hell outta edmonton for a little while. i have been back for about 7 months and it feels like it's been years. as i was sitting there on that hill listening to john prine last night i looked up and saw a plane and i was struck by an overwhelming desire to be on that plane. if it was an alien space ship i would have wanted it to suck me up into it and take me whereever it was going...after folk fest of course.
2) (and this is in direct opposition to my desire to NOT be in town) i want a sweeping romantic gesture. i want to be wanted. i am a catch. i am. i'm funny. i'm kind. i'm clean. i like sex. it's funny because i am not usually the girl who wants to be with someone...i am good at being on my own, i usually like it; but sitting there on that hill with mary and adam all in love and shit and listening to all these folk singers sing songs about love and knowing what my own 'romantic situation' is and what i want it to be...or whatever...i was just struck and sitting on that stupid hill and i started crying...motherfuck!

why am i even talking about this. i guess it's because i made some decisions recently and i am feeling sad/rejuvenated by them...




Gloria said...
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Gloria said...
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Gloria said...

Dear Michelle,

Someone call Danny Zuko, becuase you deserve "grease" in the loins department.

I'm so sorry if I made you sad. I promise to next time hold you near to my breast, stroke your hair, and say "everything is going to be allright".

Buck up, buckaroo...I love you, Adam loves you, and now my parents love you. Thank you for being part of my folk fest experience.

Gloria said...

I accidentally printed it thrice...sorry.

Unknown said...

Way to comment, Louise. GOSH.

I'm jealous of your FolkFest experience. Glad it was fun... I'm gonna try to play one of the workshops next year if I can.

michelle. said...

thanks for taking my folk fest virginity. i owe ya one babe!

it's not that YOU and adam made me sad, in fact i LOVE your love...that's what's sad...i want that too...

that's why i cried during the god song...i don't even have god...



Gloria said...

But Michelle...GOD has YOU.

Praise the Lord.