Tuesday, August 30, 2005

hocus pocus


just when you want it all to end.

just when you want to give up 'the art' for something useful that you don't give a shit about you read this... sure, it's hocus pocus but it's what you need as you struggle through your pretentious artistic crisis a week before you're on the chopping block in a room full of people who's work you judge with equal harshness.

VIRGO horoscope for the week of August 25, 2005:

Who did you start out to be, Virgo? It's time to remember that. I urge you to muse about the ways you could benefit from renewing a connection to your origins. Revisit your earliest sources of truth. Think about whether you're still on track to become the person you knew you could be when your vision was still fresh and innocent. Here's a good way to anchor your explorations in concrete reality: Meditate on the scientifically verified fact that with each breath, you re-inhale at least one molecule you first took in during the minutes after you were born.

oh god.

hey jeff, this is your's too.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet. That's a good one. It's nice to read a well-written horoscope as opposed to those totally retarded ones in Dose.