Monday, July 04, 2005

i wish...

right now i wish i could rid myself entirely of the internet.

i wish that i wasn't so dependent on my email for what's happening to me two hours from now and i wish i wasn't so tied to and afraid of my phone so i would use it a little bit more.

it's like an email address has become the new telephone number for someone you just met and you're still free to avoid that person should you so desire.

someday we'll all have computers implanted in our brains and we will be able to psychically ignore each other with just a thought.

what a world.

xo michelle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya....much easier to ignore/make contact/be tough over the internet. Slowly we become removed from actual contact and conversation....and my whole job is internet-based. So I really hope we DON'T rid ourselves of the internet.

I mean, how am I supposed to meet CHICKS?!?